
时间:2019-01-29 17:28:05

标签: angular typescript d3.js







Argument of type '{ x: any; y: any; y0: number; }[][]' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ [key: string]: number; }[]'. Type '{ x: any; y: any; y0: number; }[]' is not assignable to type '{ [key: string]: number; }'. Index signature is missing in type '{ x: any; y: any; y0: number; }[]'.


ngAfterViewInit() {

  getStackedData() {
    const dataset = [
      { year: 1, age1: 31, age2: 10, age3: 32, age4: 27 },
      { year: 2, age1: 32, age2: 12, age3: 30, age4: 26 },
      { year: 3, age1: 24, age2: 19, age3: 32, age4: 25 },
      { year: 4, age1: 26, age2: 18, age3: 31, age4: 25 },
      { year: 5, age1: 22, age2: 17, age3: 34, age4: 27 },
      { year: 6, age1: 24, age2: 17, age3: 33, age4: 26 },
      { year: 7, age1: 31, age2: 15, age3: 32, age4: 22 },
      { year: 8, age1: 30, age2: 15, age3: 35, age4: 20 },
      { year: 9, age1: 27, age2: 18, age3: 31, age4: 24 },
      { year: 10, age1: 25, age2: 15, age3: 35, age4: 25 },
      { year: 11, age1: 34, age2: 12, age3: 33, age4: 21 },
      { year: 12, age1: 31, age2: 14, age3: 32, age4: 23 },
      { year: 13, age1: 27, age2: 18, age3: 30, age4: 25 },
      { year: 14, age1: 25, age2: 20, age3: 35, age4: 20 }
    return dataset;

  createChart() {
    const RecivedData = this.getStackedData();

    const svghHeight = 400;
    const svgWidth = 500;
    const marginTop = 10;
    const marginBottom = 20;
    const marginRight = 15;
    const marginLeft = 30;
    const chartHeight = 400 - marginTop - marginBottom;
    const Chartwidth = 500 - marginLeft - marginRight;

    const svgSelection = D3.select('#' + this.elementId).append('svg')
      .attr('width', svgWidth + marginLeft + marginRight)
      .attr('height', svghHeight + marginTop + marginBottom)
      .style('background-color', 'white')
      .attr('class', 'kpi-frame');

    const baseGroup = svgSelection
      .attr('transform', 'translate(' + marginLeft + ',' + marginTop + ')');

    const yScale = D3.scaleLinear()
      .range([chartHeight, 0])
      .domain([0, 100]);

    const xScale = D3.scaleLinear().range([0, Chartwidth]);

    const yAxis = D3.axisLeft(yScale)
      .tickFormat(function (d: any) { if (d === 100) { return d + '%'; } else { return d; } });

    const xAxis = D3.axisBottom(xScale).ticks(4);

    const newDataset = ['age1', 'age2', 'age3', 'age4'].map(function (n) {
      return RecivedData.map(function (d) {
        return { x: d.year, y: d[n], y0: 0};


    xScale.domain(D3.extent(RecivedData, function (d) { return d.year; }));
      .attr('class', 'xaxis')
      .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + chartHeight + ')')
      .attr('class', 'yaxis')

    const area = D3.area()
      .x(function (d: any) { return xScale(d.x); })
      .y0(function (d: any) { return yScale(d.y0); })
      .y1(function (d: any) { return yScale(d.y + d.y0); });

    const colors = ['#75d481', '#ff4848', '#ffac2e', '#7dbbf8'];

    const ageGroup = baseGroup.selectAll('.valgroup')
      .attr('class', 'valgroup')
      .style('fill', function (d, i) {
        return colors[i];

      .attr('d', function (d: any) {
        return area(d);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

堆叠从v3更改为v4。我不确定旧版本的工作原理如何,但是在新版本中,您不需要const newDataset = ['age1', 'age2', 'age3', 'age4'].map( ... )部分,而是为堆栈生成器指定keys数组。


const dataset = [{
    year: 1,
    age1: 31,
    age2: 10,
    age3: 32,
    age4: 27
    year: 2,
    age1: 32,
    age2: 12,
    age3: 30,
    age4: 26
    year: 3,
    age1: 24,
    age2: 19,
    age3: 32,
    age4: 25
    year: 4,
    age1: 26,
    age2: 18,
    age3: 31,
    age4: 25
    year: 5,
    age1: 22,
    age2: 17,
    age3: 34,
    age4: 27
    year: 6,
    age1: 24,
    age2: 17,
    age3: 33,
    age4: 26
    year: 7,
    age1: 31,
    age2: 15,
    age3: 32,
    age4: 22
    year: 8,
    age1: 30,
    age2: 15,
    age3: 35,
    age4: 20
    year: 9,
    age1: 27,
    age2: 18,
    age3: 31,
    age4: 24
    year: 10,
    age1: 25,
    age2: 15,
    age3: 35,
    age4: 25
    year: 11,
    age1: 34,
    age2: 12,
    age3: 33,
    age4: 21
    year: 12,
    age1: 31,
    age2: 14,
    age3: 32,
    age4: 23
    year: 13,
    age1: 27,
    age2: 18,
    age3: 30,
    age4: 25
    year: 14,
    age1: 25,
    age2: 20,
    age3: 35,
    age4: 20

const chartHeight = 200,
  chartWidth = 200;

const yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
  .range([chartHeight, 0])
  .domain([0, 100]);

const xScale = d3.scaleLinear()
  .domain([0, 14])
  .range([0, chartWidth]);

const colors = ['#75d481', '#ff4848', '#ffac2e', '#7dbbf8'];

var stackGen = d3.stack()
  .keys(["age1", "age2", "age3", "age4"]);

var stackedData = stackGen(dataset);

const area = d3.area()
  .x(function(d) {
    return xScale(d.data.year);
  .y0(function(d) {
    return yScale(d[0]);
  .y1(function(d) {
    return yScale(d[1]);

var svg = d3.select('body')
  .attr('width', chartWidth)
  .attr('height', chartHeight);

const ageGroup = d3.select('svg').selectAll('.valgroup')
  .attr('class', 'valgroup')
  .style('fill', function(d, i) {
    return colors[i];

  .attr('d', function(d) {
    return area(d);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/5.7.0/d3.min.js"></script>
<div id="chart1"></div>