如何解决Python 3.6中的“ NameError”问题?

时间:2019-01-25 08:08:29

标签: python python-3.x

我正在学习处理Python 3.6中的函数。我尝试设置一个函数来计算特定单词在文本文件中出现的次数,但是我遇到了NameError问题。


filenames = [
    "The Wallypug in London.txt", 
    "Chats on Old Silver.txt", 
    "Jack Jingle, and Sucky Shingle.txt", 
    "Superstition and Force.txt"

def count_word(filename, word):
    with open(filename) as open_file:
        file_content = open_file.read()

    count_num = file_content.lower().count(word)
    return count_num

for filename in filenames:
    count_word(filename, "great")
    print('There are ' + str(count_num) + " 'great' in " + filename + ".")

我希望输出为“ London.txt中的Wallypug中有89个'great'。但是它只是返回,

NameError: name 'count_num' is not defined

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


    count_word(filename, "great")


    count_num = count_word(filename, "great")

答案 1 :(得分:0)


filenames = [
    "The Wallypug in London.txt", 
    "Chats on Old Silver.txt", 
    "Jack Jingle, and Sucky Shingle.txt", 
    "Superstition and Force.txt"

count_num ="" #define count_num here
def count_word(filename, word):
    return count_num

for filename in filenames:
    count_word(filename, "great")
    print('There are ' + str(count_num) + " 'great' in " + filename + ".")

答案 2 :(得分:0)

这是因为函数count_num中的count_word是局部变量,不能在全局区域中引用。 将count_word(filename, "great")替换为count_num = count_word(filename, "great")