我在服务器后端使用一个名为AppConstants的表,该表具有两列:ConstantTitle和ConstantValue。其中一行的ConstantTitle设置为“ AppVersion”,ConstantValue设置为版本号。
然后,在我的主窗体VersionNo上,我有一个可见性设置为False的字段,并将此字段的值设置为=“ VersionNumber”(其中VersionNumber是实际的版本号,例如=“ 1.25”)。在主窗体的OnLoad事件中,我有一个在IF命令中运行DLookup的宏:
if DLookUp("[ConstantValue]", "tblAdmin", "[ConstantTitle] ='AppVersion'") <>[Forms]![frmMain]![VersionNo] Then RunCode OpenUpdater()
Quit Access
End If
Function OpenUpdater() 'This sets the name of the code to call later
Dim accapp As Access.Application
Set accapp = New Access.Application
accapp.OpenCurrentDatabase ("C:\$Data\MyUpdater.accde") 'Starts up this file
accapp.Visible = True
End Function
OpenUpdater代码只是启动MyUpdater.accde程序,默认情况下该程序与应用程序本身一起安装在用户的PC上。 OpenUpdater程序执行以下代码:
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo
'Copy the new version to the C drive
Dim SourceFile, DestinationFile As String
SourceFile = "Z:\Server\MyProgram.accde" 'Where to get the fresh copy
DestinationFile = "C:\$Data\MyProgram.accde" 'Where to put it
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
.copyfile SourceFile, DestinationFile, True 'This line does the acual copy and paste
End With
'Reopen MyProgram
Dim accapp As Access.Application
Set accapp = New Access.Application
accapp.OpenCurrentDatabase ("C:\$Data\MyProgram.accde")
accapp.Visible = True
End Function
这是我输入的内容(在两个单独的模块中) 选项比较数据库
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo
'Copy the new version to the C drive
Dim SourceFile, DestinationFile As String
SourceFile = "C:\Users\Tyrone\Desktop\MasterDatabase.accdb" 'Where to get the fresh copy
DestinationFile = "C:\Users\Tyrone\Desktop\copy.accdb" 'Where to put it
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
.CopyFile SourceFile, DestinationFile, True 'This line does the acual copy and paste
End With
'Reopen MyProgram
Dim accapp As Access.Application
Set accapp = New Access.Application
accapp.OpenCurrentDatabase ("C:\Users\Tyrone\Desktop\copy.accdb")
accapp.Visible = True
End Function
Function OpenUpdater() 'This sets the name of the code to call later
Dim accapp As Access.Application
Set accapp = New Access.Application
accapp.OpenCurrentDatabase ("C:\Users\Tyrone\Desktop\MyUpdater.accde") 'Starts up this file
accapp.Visible = True
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Ver 9.8.0
代码(由于IT计算机更新不允许以编程方式复制文件而不再起作用)使用Windows Shell打开数据库:
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Check for updates to the program on start up - if values don't match then there is a later version
If Me.tbxVersion <> Me.lblVersion.Caption Then
'because administrator opens the master development copy, only run this for non-administrator users
If DLookup("Permissions", "Users", "UserNetworkID='" & Environ("UserName") & "'") <> "admin" Then
'copy Access file
CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CopyFile _
gstrBasePath & "Program\Install\MaterialsDatabase.accdb", "c:\", True
'allow enough time for file to completely copy before opening
Dim Start As Double
Start = Timer
While Timer < Start + 3
'load new version - SysCmd function gets the Access executable file path
'Shell function requires literal quote marks in the target filename string argument, apostrophe delimiters fail, hence the quadrupled quote marks
Shell SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & "MSAccess.exe " & """" & CurrentProject.FullName & """", vbNormalFocus
'close current file
End If
'tbxVersion available only to administrator to update version number in Updates table
'don't forget to edit the VersionNumber label before copying frontend to Install folder
Me.tbxVersion.Visible = False
Call UserLogin
End If
End Sub
Private Sub tbxUser_AfterUpdate()
If Me.tbxUser Like "[A-z][A-z][A-z]" Or Me.tbxUser Like "[A-z][A-z]" Then
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO Users(UserNetworkID, UserInitials, Permissions) VALUES('" & VBA.Environ("UserName") & "', '" & UCase(Me.tbxUser) & "', 'staff')"
Call UserLogin
MsgBox "Not an appropriate entry.", vbApplicationModal, "EntryError"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserLogin()
Me.tbxUser = DLookup("UserInitials", "Users", "UserNetworkID='" & Environ("UserName") & "'")
If Not IsNull(Me.tbxUser) Then
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE Users SET ComputerName='" & VBA.Environ("ComputerName") & "' WHERE UserInitials='" & Me.tbxUser & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm "Menu", acNormal, , "UserInitials='" & Me.tbxUser & "'", , acWindowNormal
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name, acSaveNo
End If
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:0)