The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.
['quick', 'brown', 'lazy dog', '.']
// ['The', <span>quick</span>, '<span>brown</span>', 'fox jumps over a' '<span>lazy dog</span>', '<span>.</span>]
Kinda我要处理的数据集: https://codepen.io/nigel_manny/pen/omjxrx
答案 0 :(得分:2)
// Sample data
const str = "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.";
const words = ["quick", "brown", "lazy dog", ".", "missing word"];
// Start
["The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."]
// Iteration 1: replace all "quick" with span
// When matched, we split current element into three array elements
// Before match part + matched part + after match part
["The ", <span>quick</span>, " brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."]
// Iteration 2: replace all "brown" with span
["The ", <span>quick</span>, " ", <span>brown</span>, " fox jumps over a lazy dog."]
// Iteration 3: replace all "lazy dog" with span
["The ", <span>quick</span>, " ", <span>brown</span>, " fox jumps over a ", <span>lazy dog</span>, "."]
// Iteration 4: replace all "." with span
["The ", <span>quick</span>, " ", <span>brown</span>, " fox jumps over a ", <span>lazy dog</span>, "", <span>.</span>, ""]
// Iteration 5: replace all "missing word" with span, but this sentence doesn't exist, so output will remain same
["The ", <span>quick</span>, " ", <span>brown</span>, " fox jumps over a ", <span>lazy dog</span>, "", <span>.</span>, ""]
答案 1 :(得分:1)
const text = 'Could it be improved where an ai suggests text books and notes which could help with a question (maybe based on keywords?) and then at the end the user rates the helpfulness of the suggestions, which helps the ai learn what to suggest. Taking lead from Medium articles, it would be awesome to be able to highlight text and it gives you suggestions of what to do with it (copy to clipboard, bookmark to my account etc) and also show me the most highlighted sections of each set of notes so i see what the community is finding most useful. I think linking to buy the paper version of the book is a weak and half hearted way to monitise this idea - why not go "full netflix" and get rid of the blockbusters model altogether. Scrap all the print titles and charge a subscription to be able to be able to access the extra revision information. In a Spotify freemium kind of way you could access the question banks for free but to get the revision notes/books etc you would pay. You would need a subscription model which worked for the amount of time someone is likely to find this information useful. Maybe micropayments solution would be better than a subscription?';
const matchingSentences = [
'Could it be improved where an ai suggests text books and notes which could help with a question (maybe based on keywords?) and then at the end the user rates the helpfulness of the suggestions, which helps the ai learn what to suggest.',
'Taking lead from Medium articles, it would be awesome to be able to highlight text and it gives you suggestions of what to do with it (copy to clipboard, bookmark to my account etc) and also show me the most highlighted sections of each set of notes so i see what the community is finding most useful.',
'I think linking to buy the paper version of the book is a weak and half hearted way to monitise this idea - why not go "full netflix" and get rid of the blockbusters model altogether.',
'Scrap all the print titles and charge a subscription to be able to be able to access the extra revision information.'
var result = [];
var startingIdx = 0;
matchingSentences.forEach(function(e, i) {
var idx = text.indexOf(e);
if (idx != -1) {
if (idx != startingIdx) {
result.push(text.substr(startingIdx, e.length));
var str = '<span>' + e + '</span>';
startingIdx += (e.length + 1);
if (startingIdx < text.length) {
答案 2 :(得分:0)
const stringText = 'The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.';
const matchList = ['quick', 'brown', 'lazy', '.'];
const splittedText = stringText.replace('.', ' .').split(' ');
const matchedSplittedText = splittedText.map(word => matchList.includes(word) ? handleWord(word) : word);
答案 3 :(得分:0)
const string = "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. A full sentence.";
const replaceWords = ['quick', 'brown', 'lazy', '.', 'A full sentence.'];
const stringAsArray = string.replace('.', ' .').split(' ');
const splittedReplaceWords = replaceWords.flatMap(word => word.replace('.', ' .').split(' '));
const jsxEnhancedText = splittedReplaceWords.map(word => {
if(stringAsArray.indexOf(word) > -1) {
return React.createElement('span', props, word);
return word;
React.createElement('span', props, word)