def validate_choice(ctx, param, value):
# Check if the passed value is an integer.
index = int(value) - 1
# Return the value at the given index.
return choice_names[index]
# If the index does not exist.
except IndexError:
click.echo('Please select a valid index.')
# If the value is of a different type, for example, String.
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# Return the value if it exists in the list of choices.
if value in choice_names:
return value
click.echo('Please select a valid value from the choices {}.'.format(choice_names))
# Prompt the user for an input.
value = click.prompt(param.prompt)
return validate_choice(ctx, param, value)
@click.option('--category', prompt='\nPlease enter the category.\n\n -- Options:\n{}\n\n'.format(choice_names),
help='Category of the incident', callback=validate_category)