
时间:2019-01-22 18:52:31

标签: c++



void ArrayUpdate( int ??? array, int ??? delAmount, int ??? addAmout)
  • 该过程用于修改通过第一个参数传递的动态数组的元素。
  • 该过程应从数组中删除第一个单元格的 delAmount 。还应该使用从std :: cin读取的整数,将元素的 addAmount 添加到数组的后面。
  • “ ???”需要更换或移除。
  • 方括号“ []”只能与删除一起使用。
  • 仅包含 iostream fstream 。 (另一个问题需要fstream,因此这里可能不需要。)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

  • “该过程用于修改通过第一个参数传递的动态数组的元素。” 它没有说明数组的组织方式。 @ user4581301建议,第一个元素可能是数组的大小。换句话说,数组的第一个元素位于位置1,而不是0 。这很可能是您的老师所想到的。目的是教您指针/引用和数组布局。
  • 创建阵列:

    void CreateArray( int*& array, int size )
      array = new int[ size + 1 ];
      array[ 0 ] = size;


  • 获取大小

    int ArraySize( int* array )
      return *array;
  • 用法

    int* array;
    CreateArray( array, 10 );
    for ( int i = 1; i <= ArraySize(array); ++i )
      // ...
  • 功能签名

    void ArrayUpdate( int*& array, int delAmount, int addAmout);

答案 1 :(得分:1)



//Magic numbers are evil.
constexpr int bookkeeping = 2;
constexpr int sizeOff = -2;
constexpr int capOff = -1;

void ArrayUpdate( int *& array, int delAmount, int addAmount)
    int size;
    int capacity;

    // can't do jack with a non-existent array, so let's make sure we have one.
    if (array != nullptr)
        size = *(array + sizeOff);
        capacity = *(array + capOff);
        size = 0;
        capacity = 0;
    if (delAmount > size) // can't delete more than we have.
        delAmount = size; 
        // alternative: freak out here. Abort, throw exception, whatever
    int * to; // track where data goes to
    int * temp; // location of new buffer, if resized
    bool resized;
    int newsize =size + addAmount - delAmount;
    if (newsize > capacity)
        capacity *=2;
        if (capacity < newsize)
            capacity = newsize;
        temp = new int[capacity+bookkeeping];
        to = temp + bookkeeping; // point to where we want data to go:
                                 // after the book-keeping.
        resized = true;
        to = array;
        resized = false;
    // use std::copy or memcpy here, but since we're not allowed the appropriate
    // headers, here comes ol' brute force!
    if (delAmount || resized) // need to copy old data around
        for (int index = delAmount; index < size; index++)
            *to++ = *(array + index);
    // add new data
    for (int count = 0; count < addAmount; count++)
        if (std::cin >> *to) // always test to make sure you got good input
        { // Bad input. Clean up

            // normally I'd use cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n')
            // here to kill all the remaining user input, but no <limits>
            std::cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
            // might also want to just read and discard until you find the
            // first whitespace. That's can be done easily by >> to a std::string,
            // but no string header allowed. 

    if (resized)
        if (array != nullptr) // normally deleting nullptr is safe, but not when
                              // you're going to modify it with an offset
            delete[] (array - bookkeeping);
        array = temp + bookkeeping; // array hides the extra book-keeping
        *(array + capOff) = capacity;
    if (array != nullptr)
        *(array + sizeOff) = newsize;



void FreeArray(int * array)
    delete[] (array - bookkeeping);

void printarray(const int * array)
    int size;
    int capacity;
    if (array != nullptr)
        size = *(array + sizeOff);
        capacity = *(array + capOff);
        size = 0;
        capacity = 0;
    std::cout << "Size: " << size <<"\nCapacity: "<< capacity << '\n';
    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
        std::cout << array[index] << ' ';
    std::cout << std::endl;

int main()
    int * array = nullptr;
    ArrayUpdate(array, 5, 0);
    ArrayUpdate(array, 5, 5);
    ArrayUpdate(array, 5, 5);
    ArrayUpdate(array, 0, 5);
    ArrayUpdate(array, 5, 0);

答案 2 :(得分:0)

如果是“ ???”可以用任何您想要的替换,因此您可以将指向int的指针或指向int的指针传递给函数,等等。

因此,在C ++中,处理内存管理或范围的诀窍是将2个指针存储到数组的开头,再将其存储到数组的结尾:

//a range:
int* limits[2];
int ** array = limits;


void ArrayUpdate( int ** array, int delAmount, int addAmout){
   int* begin = array[0];
   int* end = array[1];
   //end so on