我正在使用ElliMae Encompass SDK v19.1。而且我在运行程序时遇到了异常。 folders.GetContent()
ElliMae.EMLite.ClientServer.Exceptions.ServerDataExceptions: Error executing query: Invalid Object Name #loanFolders
static void Main(string[] args)
// Open the session to the remote server
Session session = new Session();
session.Start("https://TEBE11169235.ea.elliemae.net$TEBEXXXXXX", "Sadmin", "******");
var loansCollection = session.Loans;
var foldersCollection = session.Loans.Folders;
// Fetch the "My Pipeline" folder
LoanFolder folder = session.Loans.Folders["Test"];
// Retrieve the list of all loans from this folder visible to the logged in user
var ids = folder.GetContents();
foreach (LoanIdentity id in ids)
// Open the Loan
Loan loan = folder.OpenLoan(id.LoanName);
// Display the address of the property
Console.WriteLine(loan.Fields["11"].Value); // Street Addr
Console.WriteLine(loan.Fields["12"].Value); // City
Console.WriteLine(loan.Fields["14"].Value); // State
// Close the loan to release its resources
// End the session to gracefully disconnect from the server