robocopy PowerShell脚本的计划任务未完成-怎么了?

时间:2019-01-16 18:26:22

标签: powershell scheduled-tasks robocopy



我还创建了一个新的事件日志源以进行故障排除。我可以在完成这项工作后将其削减。我相信我可以从Task Scheduler正确运行此程序(例如,使用参数C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe启动程序-WindowStyle Hidden -File "C:\PathToScript\ThisIsTheScript.ps1")。


  1. 由任务计划程序触发
  2. 根据需要创建临时日志目录
  3. 删除嵌套并将日志移到临时日志目录
  4. 从源中删除所有空目录
  5. robocopy到UNC名称的目标共享
  6. 任务计划程序完成任务


仅在手动运行时,第5步和第6步不会在计划时发生。为什么不复制文件,为什么在Task Scheduler中运行任务后任务无法完成?

# Source Variables
$LogSource  = 'C:\Somewhat\Deeper\Directory\Log\Files\Dropped\Here'
$TempLogDir = 'C:\SomeFilesBrieflyHere'

# Destination variables
$DestHost   = 'thisisthedestinationcomputername'
$DestShare  = 'thisisthedestinationsharename$'

# Operating Variables
$Switches   = @("/s", "/MOVE", "/zb", "/R:0", "/W:0", "/MT:8", "/NFL", "/NDL", "/NP", "/IS", "/IT")
$RoboDo     = @("$TempLogDir","\\$DestHost\$DestShare","$Switches")

# Verify event log source exists and create it if it does not
if (-not ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists("PowerShell Script"))) {
    New-EventLog -LogName 'Application' -Source 'PowerShell Script'
    Write-EventLog -LogName 'Application' -Source 'Powershell Script' -EventID 1 -EntryType Information -Message 'Created new Event Log: Application Source type: PowerShell Script'

# Write log for init
Write-EventLog -LogName 'Application' -Source 'Powershell Script' -EventID 1 -EntryType Information -Message 'The scheduled task to move logs to the log server has been triggered and will now execute.'

# Verify Local LogDir exists
if (!(Test-Path -Path $TempLogDir)) {
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TempLogDir

# De-nest logs to local log folder in preparation to move
Get-ChildItem -Path "$LogSource" | Get-ChildItem | Get-ChildItem | Move-Item -Destination "$TempLogDir" -Force
Write-EventLog -LogName 'Application' -Source 'Powershell Script' -EventID 1 -EntryType Information -Message "Files locally de-nested into $TempLogDir."

# Remove all empty directories with unicorn glitter
Get-ChildItem $LogSource -Recurse | Where {$_.PSIsContainer -and @(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath:$_.FullName).Count -eq 0} | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false -Force
Get-ChildItem $TempLogDir -Recurse | Where {$_.PSIsContainer -and @(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath:$_.FullName).Count -eq 0} | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false -Force
Write-EventLog -LogName 'Application' -Source 'Powershell Script' -EventID 1 -EntryType Information -Mes

# Begin Robocopy operation
robocopy $TempLogDir \\$DestHost\$DestShare $Switches
Write-EventLog -LogName 'Application' -Source 'Powershell Script' -EventID 1 -EntryType Information -Message "The scheduled task to move logs to the log server has been completed and the files were successfully copied to $DestHost."

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尝试将robocopy行更改为此:         & robocopy $TempLogDir \\$DestHost\$DestShare $Switches 问题可能是您的脚本在该行停止,抱怨robocopy不是cmdlet或函数,即使它在手动运行时也可以运行。