我是Android的新手,正在构建一个使用Retrofit库从REST API加载数据的应用程序。我以前设法使其工作,但是现在当我向POJO类中添加更多变量时,Retrofit似乎存在转换问题。转到“ OnFailure”,错误不是IOException类型。我认为Lecture对象列表可能有问题。
"rendered":"Stein and Meredith"
"rendered":"Animation and Games. Whatever your experience",
"rendered":"Head of Compositing",
"job":"<b>Escape Studios<\/b>",
"speaker_slider_shortcode":"[rev_slider alias=\"escape\"]",
"nazev_prednasky":"Creating a killer showreel: advice & tips for VFX, Animation & Games",
"misto_konani":"Main Hall",
"rendered":"Jan Jinda"
"rendered":"<p>Czech born London based 3D Generalist",
"rendered":"Czech born London based",
"role":"Senior Build TD",
"speaker_slider_shortcode":"[rev_slider alias=\"jinda\"]",
"nazev_prednasky":"Building massive Jaegers for PR2",
"misto_konani":"Main Hall",
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
import java.util.List;
public class Speaker {
private int mId;
private Title mTitle;
private Acf mAcf;
private int mMediaId;
private Content mContent;
String mImageUrl = "";
// indicator if the speaker is fake - zig-zag layout
private boolean mFakeSpeaker = false;
public Speaker(int id, Title title, Acf acf, int mediaId, String imageUrl, boolean fakeSpeaker) {
mId = id;
mTitle = title;
mAcf = acf;
mImageUrl = imageUrl;
mMediaId = mediaId;
mFakeSpeaker = fakeSpeaker;
public int getId() {
return mId;
public Title getTitle() {
return mTitle;
public Acf getAcf() {
return mAcf;
public int getMediaId() {
return mMediaId;
public String getImageUrl() {
return mImageUrl;
public void setImageUrl(String imageUrl) {
mImageUrl = imageUrl;
public boolean getIsFakeSpeaker() {
return mFakeSpeaker;
public void setIsFakeSpeaker(boolean isFakeSpeaker) {
mFakeSpeaker = isFakeSpeaker;
public Content getContent() {
return mContent;
public class Title {
private String mName;
public Title(String name) {
mName = name;
public String getName() {
return mName;
public class Acf {
private String mRole;
private String mCompany;
private List<Lecture> mLectures;
public Acf(String role, String company, List<Lecture> lectures) {
mRole = role;
mCompany = company;
mLectures = lectures;
public String getRole() {
return mRole;
public String getCompany() {
return mCompany;
public List<Lecture> getLectures() {
return mLectures;
public class Lecture {
private String mLectureName;
private String mLectureDay;
private String mLectureTime;
public Lecture(String lectureName, String lectureDay, String lectureTime) {
mLectureName = lectureName;
mLectureDay = lectureDay;
mLectureTime = lectureTime;
public String getLectureName() {
return mLectureName;
public String getLectureDay() {
return mLectureDay;
public String getLectureTime() {
return mLectureTime;
public class Content {
private String mDescription;
public Content(String description) {
mDescription = description;
public String getDescription() {
return mDescription;
public void onFailure(Call<List<Speaker>> call, Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof IOException) {
Log.v("RetrofitSplash", "No internet connection");
} else {
Log.v("RetrofitSplash", "conversion issue! " + t.getMessage());
我发现存在一个问题:“期望BEGIN_ARRAY但在第1行第46857列的路径BOOLEAN路径$ [10] .acf.o_prednasce”
然后我再次查看JSON,发现有一个字段“ acf.o_prednasce”,在某种情况下,不是数组,而是“ false”,即布尔值。
"rendered":"Stein and Meredith"
"rendered":"Animation and Games. Whatever your experience",
"rendered":"Head of Compositing",
"job":"<b>Escape Studios<\/b>",
"speaker_slider_shortcode":"[rev_slider alias=\"escape\"]",
"nazev_prednasky":"Creating a killer showreel: advice & tips for VFX, Animation & Games",
"misto_konani":"Main Hall",
"rendered":"Jan Jinda"
"rendered":"<p>Czech born London based 3D Generalist",
"rendered":"Czech born London based",
"role":"Senior Build TD",
"speaker_slider_shortcode":"[rev_slider alias=\"jinda\"]",
"nazev_prednasky":"Building massive Jaegers for PR2",
"misto_konani":"Main Hall",
"rendered":"Speaker soon"
答案 0 :(得分:0)
package com.example;
import java.util.List;
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class Acf {
private String role;
private String job;
private List<Social> social = null;
private String speakerSliderShortcode;
private List<OPrednasce> oPrednasce = null;
public String getRole() {
return role;
public void setRole(String role) {
this.role = role;
public String getJob() {
return job;
public void setJob(String job) {
this.job = job;
public List<Social> getSocial() {
return social;
public void setSocial(List<Social> social) {
this.social = social;
public String getSpeakerSliderShortcode() {
return speakerSliderShortcode;
public void setSpeakerSliderShortcode(String speakerSliderShortcode) {
this.speakerSliderShortcode = speakerSliderShortcode;
public List<OPrednasce> getOPrednasce() {
return oPrednasce;
public void setOPrednasce(List<OPrednasce> oPrednasce) {
this.oPrednasce = oPrednasce;
package com.example;
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class Content {
private String rendered;
private Boolean _protected;
public String getRendered() {
return rendered;
public void setRendered(String rendered) {
this.rendered = rendered;
public Boolean getProtected() {
return _protected;
public void setProtected(Boolean _protected) {
this._protected = _protected;
package com.example;
import java.util.List;
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class Example {
private Integer id;
private String date;
private String dateGmt;
private Guid guid;
private String modified;
private String modifiedGmt;
private String slug;
private String status;
private String type;
private String link;
private Title title;
private Content content;
private Excerpt excerpt;
private Integer author;
private Integer featuredMedia;
private String commentStatus;
private String pingStatus;
private Boolean sticky;
private String template;
private String format;
private List<Object> meta = null;
private List<Integer> categories = null;
private List<Object> tags = null;
private Acf acf;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Integer id) {
this.id = id;
public String getDate() {
return date;
public void setDate(String date) {
this.date = date;
public String getDateGmt() {
return dateGmt;
public void setDateGmt(String dateGmt) {
this.dateGmt = dateGmt;
public Guid getGuid() {
return guid;
public void setGuid(Guid guid) {
this.guid = guid;
public String getModified() {
return modified;
public void setModified(String modified) {
this.modified = modified;
public String getModifiedGmt() {
return modifiedGmt;
public void setModifiedGmt(String modifiedGmt) {
this.modifiedGmt = modifiedGmt;
public String getSlug() {
return slug;
public void setSlug(String slug) {
this.slug = slug;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String getLink() {
return link;
public void setLink(String link) {
this.link = link;
public Title getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(Title title) {
this.title = title;
public Content getContent() {
return content;
public void setContent(Content content) {
this.content = content;
public Excerpt getExcerpt() {
return excerpt;
public void setExcerpt(Excerpt excerpt) {
this.excerpt = excerpt;
public Integer getAuthor() {
return author;
public void setAuthor(Integer author) {
this.author = author;
public Integer getFeaturedMedia() {
return featuredMedia;
public void setFeaturedMedia(Integer featuredMedia) {
this.featuredMedia = featuredMedia;
public String getCommentStatus() {
return commentStatus;
public void setCommentStatus(String commentStatus) {
this.commentStatus = commentStatus;
public String getPingStatus() {
return pingStatus;
public void setPingStatus(String pingStatus) {
this.pingStatus = pingStatus;
public Boolean getSticky() {
return sticky;
public void setSticky(Boolean sticky) {
this.sticky = sticky;
public String getTemplate() {
return template;
public void setTemplate(String template) {
this.template = template;
public String getFormat() {
return format;
public void setFormat(String format) {
this.format = format;
public List<Object> getMeta() {
return meta;
public void setMeta(List<Object> meta) {
this.meta = meta;
public List<Integer> getCategories() {
return categories;
public void setCategories(List<Integer> categories) {
this.categories = categories;
public List<Object> getTags() {
return tags;
public void setTags(List<Object> tags) {
this.tags = tags;
public Acf getAcf() {
return acf;
public void setAcf(Acf acf) {
this.acf = acf;
package com.example;
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class Excerpt {
private String rendered;
private Boolean _protected;
public String getRendered() {
return rendered;
public void setRendered(String rendered) {
this.rendered = rendered;
public Boolean getProtected() {
return _protected;
public void setProtected(Boolean _protected) {
this._protected = _protected;
package com.example;
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class Guid {
private String rendered;
public String getRendered() {
return rendered;
public void setRendered(String rendered) {
this.rendered = rendered;
package com.example;
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class OPrednasce {
private String nazevPrednasky;
private String denPrednasky;
private String casPrednasky;
private String typ;
private String mistoKonani;
private String dobaTrvani;
private String praveProbiha;
public String getNazevPrednasky() {
return nazevPrednasky;
public void setNazevPrednasky(String nazevPrednasky) {
this.nazevPrednasky = nazevPrednasky;
public String getDenPrednasky() {
return denPrednasky;
public void setDenPrednasky(String denPrednasky) {
this.denPrednasky = denPrednasky;
public String getCasPrednasky() {
return casPrednasky;
public void setCasPrednasky(String casPrednasky) {
this.casPrednasky = casPrednasky;
public String getTyp() {
return typ;
public void setTyp(String typ) {
this.typ = typ;
public String getMistoKonani() {
return mistoKonani;
public void setMistoKonani(String mistoKonani) {
this.mistoKonani = mistoKonani;
public String getDobaTrvani() {
return dobaTrvani;
public void setDobaTrvani(String dobaTrvani) {
this.dobaTrvani = dobaTrvani;
public String getPraveProbiha() {
return praveProbiha;
public void setPraveProbiha(String praveProbiha) {
this.praveProbiha = praveProbiha;
package com.example;
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class Social {
private String odkaz;
private String socialniSit;
public String getOdkaz() {
return odkaz;
public void setOdkaz(String odkaz) {
this.odkaz = odkaz;
public String getSocialniSit() {
return socialniSit;
public void setSocialniSit(String socialniSit) {
this.socialniSit = socialniSit;
package com.example;
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class Title {
private String rendered;
public String getRendered() {
return rendered;
public void setRendered(String rendered) {
this.rendered = rendered;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
答案 3 :(得分:0)
最后,我自己找到了解决方案:由于JSON中的字段“ acf.o_prednasce”在某种情况下是布尔值,在其他情况下是数组,因此我通过字段“ category”过滤了API响应以得到一个一个响应中该字段的类型。