答案 0 :(得分:4)
您不能阻止工作表被编辑者重新排序,但是您当然可以将它们重新排序。如果有人查看available Spreadsheet events,则可能会认为“更改时”事件将触发重新排序的工作表。截至2019年1月,情况并非如此。但是,您仍然可以使用已安装的触发器绑定多个事件(即“更改”,“编辑”和“打开”),并通过使用Spreadsheet Service或{{3 }},即advanced service Sheets
最有效的重新排序是通过Sheets API完成的,而无需修改用户的活动工作表,但是如果您每个API调用对单个工作表的重新排序次数超过一个,则它会出现UI刷新错误(重新排序发生在Google端,而浏览器用户界面未更新)。每个API调用平均可以在大约100-230毫秒内完成重新排序。
function enforceOrder(eventObject) {
const requiredSheetOrder = ['name of first sheet', 'name of second sheet' ....];
// Get the workbook ID for the Sheets REST API.
const id = (eventObject ? eventObject.source : SpreadsheetApp.getActive()).getId();
// You must enable the advanced service prior to using this code.
// https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/services/advanced#enabling_advanced_services
const state = Sheets.Spreadsheets.get(id, {fields: "sheets/properties(title,sheetId,index)"});
// Collect the requests to be made.
const batchRequests = [];
requiredSheetOrder.forEach(function (title, i) {
var rq = {
fields: "index",
properties: { index: i }
var matched = state.sheets.filter(function (s) { return s.properties.title === title; })[0];
if (matched)
rq.properties.sheetId = matched.properties.sheetId;
// If any preceding sheets are being reordered, or this sheet
// is not in the right position, we must set this sheet's index.
if (batchRequests.length || i !== matched.properties.index)
batchRequests.push({ updateSheetProperties: rq });
console.warn("No sheet found with required name '" + title + "'");
// Send updates, if there were any to send.
if (batchRequests.length)
// Sheets.Spreadsheets.batchUpdate({ requests: batchRequests }, id);
// The above wholly-batch line induces the mentioned UI bug.
// The below one-by-one update does not:
batchRequests.forEach(function (r) {
Sheets.Spreadsheets.batchUpdate({ requests: [r] }, id);
console.log("Reordered " + batchRequests.length + " sheets");
console.log({message: "No-op", desired: requiredSheetOrder, current: state.sheets });
可以通过比较当前工作表状态和所需结果状态,并计算最小索引规格来确定工作表顺序的API效率(即,考虑将工作表放置在索引{{1}上) }将当前位于索引i
PS:使用电子表格服务时,表格的位置/电子表格索引基于1。当使用高级服务/ REST API时,工作表的位置索引始终为0基。