是否可以让Clang Static Analyzer理解引用计数?

时间:2019-01-12 20:26:43

标签: c++ reference-counting clang-static-analyzer




$ scan-build g++ testrefcount.cpp -o testrefcount
scan-build: Using '/Users/jaf/checker-279/bin/clang' for static analysis
testrefcount.cpp:43:54: warning: Use of memory after it is freed
   const MyRefCountedObject * GetObject() const {return _obj;}
testrefcount.cpp:52:8: warning: Potential memory leak
2 warnings generated.
scan-build: 2 bugs found.
scan-build: Run 'scan-view /var/folders/q9/9w3p5x650wgfpbcws3zhsc6h0000gn/T/scan-build-2019-01-12-122209-5219-1' to examine bug reports.

我的问题是,有什么办法可以修改我的代码,以使Clang的静态分析器在此处不会发出假阳性?我想我可以将引用计数方法包装在#ifndef __clang_analyzer__中,但这似乎是一个丑陋的解决方案(类似于将磁带放在“检查引擎”灯上),这将阻止CSA检测到此代码的任何实际问题。 ,因此,如果有更好的方法,我宁愿避免这种情况。 (是的,我知道shared_ptrintrusive_ptr等等,我想知道他们如何处理这个问题?)


#include <stdio.h>

// This value will keep track of the number of MyRefCountedObject objects alive in
// the process -- just to verify that this program doesn't actually have a memory leak
static int _objectCounter = 0;

// Objects of this class will be reference-counted by the MyRef class
class MyRefCountedObject
   MyRefCountedObject(int value) : _value(value), _refCount(0)
      printf("MyRefCountedObject %p with value %i created.  Current number of MyRefCountedObjects is now %i\n", this, _value, ++_objectCounter);

      printf("MyRefCountedObject %p with value %i destroyed.  Current number of MyRefCountedObjects is now %i\n", this, _value, --_objectCounter);

   int GetValue() const {return _value;}

   inline void IncrementRefCount() const {_refCount++;}
   inline bool DecrementRefCount() const {return (--_refCount == 0);}

   inline MyRefCountedObject &operator=(const MyRefCountedObject &); // deliberately unimplemented

   const int _value;       // An arbitrary payload/data value
   mutable int _refCount;  // how my MyRef's are currently pointing at this object

// Represents one reference to a MyRefCountedObject (like a toy shared_ptr)
class MyRef
   MyRef(const MyRefCountedObject * item = NULL) : _obj(item) {RefObject();}
   MyRef(const MyRef & rhs) : _obj(NULL) {*this = rhs;}
   ~MyRef() {UnrefObject();}

   inline MyRef &operator=(const MyRef & rhs) {this->SetRef(rhs._obj); return *this;}

   const MyRefCountedObject * GetObject() const {return _obj;}

   void RefObject() {if (_obj) _obj->IncrementRefCount();}

   void UnrefObject()
      if ((_obj)&&(_obj->DecrementRefCount())) delete _obj;
      _obj = NULL;

   void SetRef(const MyRefCountedObject * newObj)
      if (newObj != _obj)
         _obj = newObj;

   const MyRefCountedObject * _obj;

int main(void)
   MyRef ref;
      MyRef ref2(new MyRefCountedObject(555));
      ref = ref2;

   printf("At end of main, (ref)'s value is: %i\n", ref.GetObject()->GetValue());
   return 0;

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