unity ..用于检查12位置的逻辑回路

时间:2019-01-09 13:33:51

标签: c# loops unity3d


if(car.position == a1.position)
    car.speed = 0;
    a1 = 1;
   if(cooldow == 0){
        car.taget.position = targetHere.position
        car.speed = 5;
        a1 = 0;
        Destroy(obj, 5)

第一个条件[if(car.position == a1.position)]我将重复10次以上,这意味着我将检查(car.position)是否与 a2.position < / strong>,然后是 3.position ,然后是 a4.position ,然后是 a5.position ,然后是 a6.position 然后是< strong> b1.position ,然后 b2.position ,然后 b3.position ,然后 b4.position ,然后 b5.position < / strong>然后 b6.position ....十二次...,我找不到将其放入( For )循环。

任何想法如何做到!!! TY

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



// Make sure to put all your a objects in this list in the inspector
public List<Transform> myABCObjects; 

void CheckPositions()
    // This foreach loop, will loop through your list of transforms, so your a b c 
    // objects would be added to this list via the inspector, or through whatver
    // code you are using to set them.
    foreach(Transform a in myABCObjects)
        // Not to sure if you can do an == on a vector3, but I wouldn't want to
        // considering the data members are float, and can cause floating point error
        // Because of this I am getting the distance to the location, and using
        // Mathf.Approximately to check if the distance is close to 0f.
        if(Mathf.Approximately(car.position.distance(a.position), 0f))
            // Your logic here if location is the same...
            // so if you are trying to remove say a1
            // add this object to a list, to be removed after the loop
            // then continue on.

    // if you are removing an object, check the list size, then loop through it to remove the objects from your original list...


// Make sure to put all your a objects in this list in the inspector
public List<Transform> myABCObjects; 

void CheckPositions()
    // This for loop, will loop through indices 0 - myABCObjects.count - 1, so your a b c 
    // objects would be added to this list via the inspector, or through whatver
    // code you are using to set them.
    for(int i = 0; i < myABCObjects.count; ++i)
        // Not to sure if you can do an == on a vector3, but I wouldn't want to
        // considering the data members are float, and can cause floating point error
        // Because of this I am getting the distance to the location, and using
        // Mathf.Approximately to check if the distance is close to 0f.
        if(Mathf.Approximately(car.position.distance(myABCObjects[i].position), 0f))
             // Your logic here if location is the same...



答案 1 :(得分:1)


var list = new List<TypeOfa1> {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6};             

foreach (var item in list)
    if (car.position == item.position)
        car.speed = 0;
        item = 1;
        if (cooldow == 0)
            car.taget.position = targetHere.position;
            car.speed = 5;
            item = 0;
            Destroy(obj, 5);

答案 2 :(得分:0)


List<CarType> collection = new List<CarType> {a1, b1, a2, b2 ...};
foreach (CarType c in collection)
    // do stuff