We are trying to populate msTeam by using Teams Powerhsell Add-TeamUser cdmlets, when we run
Add-TeamUser -GroupId:"GROUPEID" -User:"USERID" -Role:Member
we have no error and the change take effect on our Azure Active Directory (cf. the user was added to the AAD Group). But we doesn't see the Team on Teams App.
EDIT : Sorry for losing important information the account user we are looking to add was 'guest' - user from other organization (cf. Other AAD external)
EDIT : Other point the User was added on AAD Group (equivalent of Teams Team)
But it doesn't appear on the Teams Member screen
Note: when we using the Teams Button Add Member the user was added perfectly. But now we are trying to use powershell because we have most account to adding on different Team.
Thanks in advance.
Ressources : MsTeamsPowershell Package_MicrosoftTeams_0.9.5
Edit closed :Bad reading documentation see comment
Further, and perhaps more important, quote from the docs: "Note: the command will return immediately, but the Teams application will not reflect the update immediately. The Teams application may need to be open for up to an hour before changes are reflected." – gvee 18 mins ago