public void DoThis(Object That) {
That.function(10, 100); // Let's just say this raises 10 to the power of 100, I know this function works as it's part of the original Object.
That = new Object(); // I want to know if this changes anything in the original Object or if the passes "That" Object I use is a reference or copy of some sort.
public void DoThisOtherThing(Object That, boolean Maybe) {
Object Thing = That.getSub();
if (Maybe)
Thing = Thing.getSub(); // I want to know if this would change That.getSub();
Thing = new Object(); // I want to know if this would also change That.getSub(); I would imagine if the other case doesn't, this wouldn't, and vice versa
我对C更加熟悉,对我来说更直接了。 Java有许多事情由Java Runtime在后台自动处理,并且不知道它到底在做什么。我通常不使用Java,但是对于我正在从事的这个项目,我需要这样做。先感谢您! :)