不了解C ++中的按位运算符将十进制转换为二进制

时间:2019-01-02 09:20:15

标签: c++ function bitwise-operators


void function(int a){


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

// Step 1: You call a function defined as `void function(int a)`
// which accepts one parameter of type int and returns a void.
void function(int a)
    // Step 2: This function checks if a is zero or some other value. 
    // If it is zero, nothing happens and the function returns.
    // If it is non-zero, we proceed inside the if block.
        // Step 3: we do two things here.
        // First we right-shift whatever value is stored in a.
        // Right-shifting means if we have e.g. a=8, which is 1000 in binary,
        // then rightshifting 8 would be 0100 or 4. Basically it is division by 2.
        // This continues until we have 0000.

        // Secondly, this function will call itself then. This is called recursion.
        // So the "void function(4)-> void function(2) -> void function(1)" calls will run.

        // Here we will bitwise AND with 1.
        // So, 0001 & 0001 = 1
        // 0010 & 0001 = 0
        // 0100 & 0001 = 0
        // 1000 & 0001 = 0
        // And this is what you will see on the terminal as output: 1000
        // The 1 gets printed first, because the inner most call in the recursion
        // finishes first and the call stack unwraps back up.

答案 1 :(得分:1)


void function(int a){
    if(a){                 // if a is not 0, continue calling recursively
        function(a>>1);    // right shift a one step i.e. divide by 2, then call ourselves
        cout<<(a&1);       // bitwise & with a i.e print if a is odd or even.


a = 4, a>>1 == 2
a = 2, a>>1 == 0
function(0); will end recursion
cout << (2&1) will print 0 since 0x10 & 0x01 == 0x00
cout << (4&1) will print 0 since 0x20 & 0x01 == 0x00

答案 2 :(得分:1)

void function(int a)    // function declaration
    if(a)               // a != 0?
        function(a>>1); // recursive call to function with a shifted right one bit
        cout<<(a&1);    // print out least significant bit of a

此函数打印出给定数字e的二进制表示。 G。最初是13:

f(13)            // 13 == 0b1101
    f(6)         // 0b1101 >> 1 == 0b0110
        f(3)     // 0b0110 >> 1 == 0b0011
            f(1) // etc
                { }  // does nothing
                std::cout << (1 & 1); // 1, most significant bit of original 13
            std::cout << (3 & 1);     // 1
        std::cout << (6 & 1);         // 0
    std::cout << (13 & 1);            // 1

1101 in total

但是,签名很危险;在实现定义中,移位是逻辑移位(总是向左移位0)还是算术移位(再次在当前符号位移位),usually(问题是C,但也适用于C ++),算术移位是为有符号的值实现。


void function(unsigned int a);
//            ^^^^^^^^

