
时间:2019-01-01 16:16:21

标签: java eclipse

    public class Player implements Comparable<Player> {

private Name name;
private Rollable rollable;

public Player() {
    name = new Name();
    rollable = new Rollable();
public Player(Name name) {
    this.name = name;
    rollable = new Rollable();
public Player(Name name, Rollable rollable) {
    this.name = name;
    this.rollable = rollable;

你好,对于我放置rollable = new Rollable();的构造函数,我收到一条错误消息,指出它是Cannot instantiate the type rollable。 在下面,我添加了JUnit测试,还将添加Rollable类的代码

public void testDefaultConstructor() {
    Player p = new Player();

    assertEquals("Name field should be initialised with a default Name object ", new Name(), p.

getName());         assertTrue(“播放器的rollable字段应使用Rollable接口的实现实例初始化”,p.getRollable()Rollable实例);             }

public void testCustomConstructor1arg() {
    Name n = new Name("Joe", "Bloggs");
    Player p = new Player(n);

    assertSame("Player's name field should be initialised with and      return the same object received by the constructor", n, p.getName()); 
    assertTrue("Player's rollable field should be initialised with an implementing instance of the Rollable interface", p.getRollable() instanceof Rollable);

下面是默认构造函数的JUnit测试,它也给我带来Players rollable field should be initialised with an implementing instance of the Rollable interface的失败,但是,我所有其他的JUnit测试都通过了。

public void testDefaultConstructor() {
    Player p = new Player();

    assertEquals("Name field should be initialised with a default Name object ", new Name(), p.getName());
    assertTrue("Player's rollable field should be initialised with an implementing instance of the Rollable interface", p.getRollable() instanceof Rollable);


    public interface Rollable {

public void roll();

public int getScore();



public Name getName() {
    return name;
public void setName(Name name) {
    this.name = name;
public Rollable getRollable() {
    return rollable;
public void rollDice() {
public int getDiceScore() {
    return rollable.getScore();


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


public Rollable getRollable() {
    return rollable;


public Player() {
    name = new Name();
    rollable = getRollable();


这样,当您在测试中再次调用getRollable()时,您将获得分配给该字段的值-null-并且根据定义-null instanceof Rollable为假。


rollable = new Rollable();


答案 1 :(得分:0)


因此,您需要至少编写一个implements Rollable的类。在此类中,您可以创建实例。


例如, Comparable界面(作为我的Rollable的类比)。 Comparable表示通过要求类具有名为compareTo()的方法来支持某种大于/等于/小于比较的类。如果要实例化Comparable,您期望得到什么结果? StringLongDouble还是什么?同样适用于您的Rollable
