我可以说服Gradle生成多个二进制文件吗?我有几个Kotlin软件包,其文件带有正确的“ fun main(...)”,但是默认的IntelliJ build.gradle文件仅允许我指定一个“ compilations.main.entryPoint”。 如果可以的话,可以将主要功能放入Kotlin类或对象中。
如果目前无法实现,这是Gradle的一般限制还是仅是“ kotlin-multiplatform”插件的限制?
plugins {
id 'kotlin-multiplatform' version '1.3.11'
repositories {
kotlin {
targets {
// For ARM, preset should be changed to presets.iosArm32 or presets.iosArm64
// For Linux, preset should be changed to e.g. presets.linuxX64
// For MacOS, preset should be changed to e.g. presets.macosX64
fromPreset(presets.mingwX64, 'mingw')
configure([mingw]) {
// Comment to generate Kotlin/Native library (KLIB) instead of executable file:
// Change to specify fully qualified name of your application's entry point:
compilations.main.entryPoint = 'hello.main'
sourceSets {
// Note: To enable common source sets please comment out 'kotlin.import.noCommonSourceSets' property
// in gradle.properties file and re-import your project in IDE.
mingwMain {
mingwTest {
task runProgram {
def buildType = 'debug' // 'release' - Change to 'debug' to run application with debug symbols.
dependsOn "link${buildType.capitalize()}ExecutableMingw"
doLast {
def programFile = kotlin.targets.mingw.compilations.main.getBinary('EXECUTABLE', buildType)
exec {
executable programFile
args ''
答案 0 :(得分:2)
在https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin-native/issues/2505中,我得到的答案是Kotlin Native 1.3.20可以实现!