无法设置用于映射ParameterMapping {property,modeIN,javaTypeclass java.util.Date的参数

时间:2018-12-24 08:51:33

标签: java spring mybatis ibatis



嵌套的异常是org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException:无法设置>映射参数:ParameterMapping {property ='signIn',mode = IN,> javaType = class java.util.Date,jdbcType = null, numericScale = null,> resultMapId ='null',jdbcTypeName ='null',expression ='null'}。原因:org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException:使用JdbcType null为参数#4设置非null时出错。尝试为此参数或其他配置属性设置不同的JdbcType。原因:java.sql.SQLException:参数索引超出范围(4>参数数量,即3)。


    <select id="selectSignRecordList" parameterType="SignRecord" resultMap="SignRecordResult">
        <include refid="selectSignRecordVo"/>
            <if test="id != null  and id != '' "> and id_ = #{id}</if>
             <if test="promiseId != null  and promiseId != '' "> and promise_id = #{promiseId}</if>
             <if test="userId != null  and userId != '' "> and user_id = #{userId}</if>
             <if test="signIn != null">
              and sign_in =#{signIn,jdbcType=DATE}
                 --and sign_in  = date_format(  #{signIn}  , '%Y-%m-%d' )
--                  AND date_format(sign_in,'%y%m%d') = date_format(#{signIn},'%y%m%d')
--                  <![CDATA[   and DATE_FORMAT(sign_in, '%Y-%m-%d')=  DATE_FORMAT(#{signIn}, '%Y-%m-%d')   ]]>
--                  AND date(sign_in) = date(#{signIn,jdbcType=DATE})
             <if test="signStatus != null  and signStatus != '' "> and sign_status = #{signStatus}</if>
             <if test="createBy != null  and createBy != '' "> and create_by = #{createBy}</if>
             <if test="createTime != null "> and create_time = #{createTime}</if>
             <if test="updateBy != null  and updateBy != '' "> and update_by = #{updateBy}</if>
             <if test="updateTime != null "> and update_time = #{updateTime}</if>
             <if test="remark != null  and remark != '' "> and remark = #{remark}</if>



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


--           AND date(sign_in) = date(#{signIn,jdbcType=DATE})


要解决问题use xml comments而不是像这样的SQL注释:

    <select id="selectSignRecordList" parameterType="SignRecord" resultMap="SignRecordResult">
    <include refid="selectSignRecordVo"/>
        <if test="id != null  and id != '' "> and id_ = #{id}</if>
         <if test="promiseId != null  and promiseId != '' "> and promise_id = #{promiseId}</if>
         <if test="userId != null  and userId != '' "> and user_id = #{userId}</if>
         <if test="signIn != null">
          and sign_in =#{signIn,jdbcType=DATE}
             <!-- and sign_in  = date_format(  #{signIn}  , '%Y-%m-%d' )
              AND date_format(sign_in,'%y%m%d') = date_format(#{signIn},'%y%m%d')
              <![CDATA[   and DATE_FORMAT(sign_in, '%Y-%m-%d')=  DATE_FORMAT(#{signIn}, '%Y-%m-%d')   ]]>
              AND date(sign_in) = date(#{signIn,jdbcType=DATE})
         <if test="signStatus != null  and signStatus != '' "> and sign_status = #{signStatus}</if>
         <if test="createBy != null  and createBy != '' "> and create_by = #{createBy}</if>
         <if test="createTime != null "> and create_time = #{createTime}</if>
         <if test="updateBy != null  and updateBy != '' "> and update_by = #{updateBy}</if>
         <if test="updateTime != null "> and update_time = #{updateTime}</if>
         <if test="remark != null  and remark != '' "> and remark = #{remark}</if>
