
时间:2018-12-21 18:40:47

标签: javascript json


export function mapErrorsToForm($form, errorData) {

    for (const fieldName in errorData.errors) {
        const $input = $(':input[name="' + fieldName + '"]');
            .after('<div class="invalid-feedback">' + errorData.errors[fieldName] + '</div>')

当我有一个字段名称(例如“ registration_form [firstName]”)时,此方法有效,但是,如果该字段名称类似于“ comment”(注释),则不会应用错误消息。这是我的错误数据的示例:

{errors: {registration_form[firstName]: "This value should not be blank.",…}, status: 400,…}
    errors: {registration_form[firstName]: "This value should not be blank.",…}
        registration_form[email]: "This value should not be blank."
        registration_form[firstName]: "This value should not be blank."
        registration_form[lastName]: "This value should not be blank."
        registration_form[plainPassword][first]: "This value should not be blank.”    
    status: 400
    title: "There was a validation error"
    type: "http://localhost:8000/docs/errors#validation_error"

{errors: {[comment]: "This value should not be blank."}, status: 400,…}
    errors: {[comment]: "This value should not be blank."}
        [comment]: "This value should not be blank."
    status: 400
    title: "There was a validation error"
    type: "http://localhost:8000/docs/errors#validation_error"

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