我如何使用Pygame get_size()?

时间:2018-12-21 13:53:42

标签: python pygame


我正在python 3.5.3中对此进行编码,我尝试重新安装pygame,然后尝试切换到python 3.6并为此安装pygame,但没有任何效果。

import pygame as p, random as r, time as t, sys

width, height = 640, 480 #Initial screen width & height
x, y, vel = 0, 0, [1, 1] #Makes coordinates and velocity
DVD = p.image.load('sprites\\w.png') #Loads a sprite
DVDRECT = DVD.get_rect() #Makes object for the sprites to be loaded onto
screen = p.display.set_mode((width, height),p.RESIZABLE) #Sets screen to resizable mode
p.display.set_caption('DVD')#Sets executable capton
p.init() #Initialize Pygame

x, y = r.randint(200, 400), r.randint(200, 400) #sets the start location

#Loads in sprites
wht = p.image.load('sprites\\w.png')
blu = p.image.load('sprites\\b.png')
pnk = p.image.load('sprites\\p2.png')
pur = p.image.load('sprites\\p.png')
grn = p.image.load('sprites\\g.png')
org = p.image.load('sprites\\o.png')
ylw = p.image.load('sprites\\y.png')

def new_color():
    Function for getting random colors
    return r.choice([wht, blu, pnk, pur, grn, org, ylw])

while True:
    for event in p.event.get():
        if event.type == p.QUIT:
    #Makes new coordinates:
    x += vel[0]
    y += vel[1]

    #Checks if logo hits a wall
    if x >= width-29:
        vel[0] = -vel[0] #Makes logo 'bounce' off wall
        DVD = new_color() #Sets a new color to the logo

    if x <= 29:
        vel[0] = -vel[0]
        DVD = new_color()

    if y >= height-19:
        vel[1] = -vel[1]
        DVD = new_color()

    if y <= 19:
        vel[1] = -vel[1]
        DVD = new_color()

    DVDRECT.center = (x, y) #moves the logo
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) #sets background to black
    screen.blit(DVD, DVDRECT) #Updates logo
    p.display.flip() #flips screen
    t.sleep(1.0/80.0) #waits certian time between frames


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


0000000000000238 l    d  .interp                0000000000000000              .interp
0000000000000254 l    d  .note.gnu.build-id     0000000000000000              .note.gnu.build-id
0000000000000278 l    d  .gnu.hash              0000000000000000              .gnu.hash
0000000000000298 l    d  .dynsym                0000000000000000              .dynsym
00000000000002e0 l    d  .dynstr                0000000000000000              .dynstr
0000000000000302 l    d  .gnu.version           0000000000000000              .gnu.version
0000000000000308 l    d  .gnu.version_r         0000000000000000              .gnu.version_r
0000000000000328 l    d  .rela.plt              0000000000000000              .rela.plt
0000000000000360 l    d  .plt                   0000000000000000              .plt
0000000000000390 l    d  .text                  0000000000000000              .text
00000000000003f0 l    d  .eh_frame_hdr          0000000000000000              .eh_frame_hdr
0000000000000418 l    d  .eh_frame              0000000000000000              .eh_frame
0000000000200e78 l    d  .dynamic               0000000000000000              .dynamic
0000000000200fd8 l    d  .got                   0000000000000000              .got
0000000000000000 l    d  .comment               0000000000000000              .comment
0000000000000000 l    df *ABS*                  0000000000000000              file.c
0000000000000000 l    df *ABS*                  0000000000000000              
0000000000200e78 l     O .dynamic               0000000000000000              _DYNAMIC
00000000000003f0 l       .eh_frame_hdr          0000000000000000              __GNU_EH_FRAME_HDR
0000000000200fd8 l     O .got                   0000000000000000              _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
0000000000201000 g       .got                   0000000000000000              _edata
00000000000003d5 g     F .text                  0000000000000019              not_main
0000000000000390 g     F .text                  0000000000000045              program
0000000000201000 g       .got                   0000000000000000              _end
0000000000201000 g       .got                   0000000000000000              __bss_start
0000000000000000       F *UND*                  0000000000000000              atoi@@GLIBC_2.2.5
0000000000000000       F *UND*                  0000000000000000              exit@@GLIBC_2.2.5
