(define (domain RiverCrossing)
(:requirements :strips :typing)
Farmer Fox - passengers
(onLeftBank ?p - passengers)
(onRightBank ?p - passengers)
(:action crossRiverLR
:parameters (?f - Farmer)
:precondition ( and (onLeftBank ?f))
:effect( and (onRightBank ?f) )
(:action crossRiverRL
:parameters (?f - Farmer)
:precondition ( and (onRightBank ?f))
:effect( and (onLeftBank ?f) )
(:action crossRiverLRf
:parameters ( ?fx - Fox ?f - Farmer)
:precondition ( and (onLeftBank ?f) (onLeftBank ?fx) )
:effect( and (onRightBank ?fx) (onRightBank ?f) )
(:action crossRiverRLf
:parameters (?f - Farmer ?fx - Fox)
:precondition ( and (onRightBank ?f) (onRightBank ?fx) )
:effect( and (onLeftBank ?f) (onLeftBank ?fx) )
(define (problem RCP)
(:domain RiverCrossing)
farmer - Farmer
fox - Fox
(onRightBank farmer) (onLeftBank fox)
(onLeftBank farmer) (onRightBank fox)
Solution found in 2 steps!
1. crossRiverRL farmer
2. crossRiverLRf fox farmer
有人可以帮我弄清楚我想念的重点吗? 预先感谢,
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我发现问题出在设置下一个情况(OnRightBank)后并没有否定上一个情况(OnLeftBank)。 以下是我应用于所有效果的样本校正;
(:action crossRiverLR
:parameters (?f - Farmer)
:precondition ( and (onLeftBank ?f))
:effect( and (onRightBank ?f)
(not (onLefttBank ?f)) ; **** adding this solved the problem. ****