// data is an array of objects, each reresenting one of your categories.
// Each category has a .title to store its title and a .counters that
// stores an object for each counter in that category.
var data = [
title: 'Game Events',
counters: [
// Each counter has a .title and a .date that is parsed by new Date()
title: 'Daily Premium Event',
date: 'December 20, 2018'
title: '3 times a day Premium Event',
date: 'December 20, 2018'
title: 'Twice a week Premium Event',
date: 'December 20, 2018'
title: 'Weekly Normal Event',
date: 'December 20, 2018'
// this reduce generates the table
let table = data.reduce((acc, category, categoryIndex) => {
return acc + `<tr><td colspan="6" class="category">${category.title}</td></tr>` +
category.counters.reduce((acc, counter, index) => {
return acc + `<tr id="counter-${categoryIndex}-${index}">
<td class="days"></td>
<td class="hours"></td>
<td class="minutes"></td>
<td class="seconds"></td>
}, '');
}, '<table class="countdown"><tr><th>Event</th><th>Date</th><th>Days</th><th>Hours</th><th>Minutes</th><th>Seconds</th></tr>');
table += '</table>';
// insert the table after the noscript tag
document.getElementById('countdown').insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', table);
// generate our list of counters
let counters = data.reduce((acc, category, categoryIndex) => {
return acc.concat(category.counters.reduce((counterAcc, counter, index) => {
return counterAcc.concat([{
// counters will be an array of the objects we generate here
// node contains a reference to the tr element for this counter
node: document.getElementById(`counter-${categoryIndex}-${index}`),
// date is the date for this counter parsed by Date and then converted
// into a Unix timestamp
date: (new Date(counter.date)).getTime()
}, []));
}, []);
const msSecond = 1000,
msMinute = msSecond * 60,
msHour = msMinute * 60
msDay = msHour * 24;
let intervalId;
function updateCounters () {
counters.forEach((counter, counterIndex) => {
let remaining = counter.date - Date.now(),
node = counter.node;
if (remaining >= 0) {
node.querySelector('.days').textContent = Math.floor(remaining / msDay);
remaining %= msDay;
node.querySelector('.hours').textContent = Math.floor(remaining / msHour);
remaining %= msHour;
node.querySelector('.minutes').textContent = Math.floor(remaining / msMinute);
remaining %= msMinute;
node.querySelector('.seconds').textContent = Math.floor(remaining / msSecond);
} else {
// This countdown has reached 0 seconds, stop tracking it.
counters.splice(counterIndex, 1);
// no more counters? Stop interval
if (counters.length === 0) {
// display counters right away without waiting a second
intervalId = setInterval(updateCounters, 1000);
table { border-collapse: collapse; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #edf; } .category { font-weight: bold; } td, th { padding: .5em; } .days, .hours, .minutes, .seconds { text-align: right; }
当为事件指定特定日期时,上述代码有效。但是,我正在努力编辑代码以使其与Daily Premium Event
一起正常工作,该{每天运行一次,而不是在特定日期运行,一旦结束,则必须在第二天重新启动。 3 times a day Premium Event
每天运行3次,每天(而不是在特定的日期)运行,因此,一旦结束,它必须在一天的第二个小时重新启动,依此类推,最多重复3次,例如1st:13:00,2nd :20:00和3rd:22:00,Twice a week Premium Event
每周两次运行一次,例如,每周的特定时间在星期一和星期五运行一次,Weekly Normal Event