
时间:2018-12-17 11:44:46

标签: python file eof


class CarRecord:                    # declaring a class without other methods
    def init (self):                # constructor
        self .VehicleID = ""
        self.Registration = ""
        self.DateOfRegistration = None
        self.EngineSize = 0
        self.PurchasePrice = 0.00

import pickle                       # this library is required to create binary f iles
ThisCar = CarRecord()
Car = [ThisCar for i in range (100)]

CarFile = open ('Cars.DAT', 'wb')   # open file for binary write

for i in range (100) :              # loop for each array element
    pickle.dump (Car[i], CarFile)   # write a whole record to the binary file

CarFile.close() # close file

CarFile = open( 'Cars.DAT','rb')    # open file for binary read
Car = []                            # start with empty list
while True:                         # check for end of file
    Car.append(pickle.load(CarFile))# append record from file to end of l i st


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

问题是文件对象的最后一次遍历已结束。 在读取/写入文件时始终使用with 命令,因此您不必担心任何此类问题。还会自动为您关闭

Car = []
with open('Cars.DAT', 'rb') as CarFile:

答案 1 :(得分:0)


while True:                         # check for end of file
    Car.append(pickle.load(CarFile))# append record from file to end of l i st


  1. 不是将整个数组加载为无限循环,而是将整个数组写为pickle,然后将其加载回去:

    CarFile = open ('Cars.DAT', 'wb')   # open file for binary write
    pickle.dump(Car, CarFile)           # write the whole list to a binary file
    CarFile = open('Cars.DAT', 'rb')    # open file for binary read
    Car = pickle.load(CarFile)          # load whole list from file
  2. 捕获异常,然后继续。这种样式称为EAFP

    Car = []                            # start with empty list
    while True:                         # check for end of file
           Car.append(pickle.load(CarFile)) # append record from file to end of list
        except EOFError:
            break                       # break out of loop