我想使用PowerShell脚本和Azure CLI设置从GitLab存储库到Azure应用的连续部署。使用the Azure RM module and Windows PowerShell来执行此操作已经存在一个答案,但是由于它们是now deprecated,因此我正在寻找使用新的Az module和PowerShelll Core的解决方案。
该解决方案应提供一个PowerShell(核心)脚本,以直接从GitLab到Azure设置持续部署。它必须使用Az module。一旦运行了安装脚本,随后对GitLab存储库的每个后续提交/合并都应自动部署到Azure。最好,此PowerShell脚本应同时适用于托管在GitLab上的公共和私有存储库,但我愿意接受仅适用于公共存储库的解决方案。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
$gitrepo="your git repository url"
New-AzResourceGroup -Name joyazgroup -Location $location
New-AzAppServicePlan -Name joyazplan -Location $location -ResourceGroupName joyazgroup -Tier Free
New-AzWebApp -Name joyazapp -Location $location -AppServicePlan joyazplan -ResourceGroupName joyazgroup
$PropertiesObject = @{
repoUrl = "$gitrepo";
branch = "master";
isManualIntegration = $false
Set-AzResource -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject -ResourceGroupName joyazgroup -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols -ResourceName $webappname/web -ApiVersion 2018-02-01 -Force
答案 1 :(得分:1)
我正在使用gitlab和kudu rest API,并弄清楚了如何使您提到的manual solution自动化。唯一的额外步骤是将gitlab api令牌添加到您的代码中,但是您只需对所有项目执行一次即可。您可以从gitlab帐户设置的“访问令牌”下获取该证书。其他一些注意事项:
要与kudu api进行交互,脚本将使用自动生成的 部署凭证。但是您可以为创建一个单独的用户 部署并在所有其他项目中使用它(跳过该步骤)。您 可以在天蓝色的CLI中做到这一点:
az webapp deployment user set --user-name someUser --password somepassword
GitLab API使用的是项目ID,而不是项目名称。该脚本是 试图从回购URL自动检索项目ID,但是您 可以将其从gitlab的项目常规设置复制/粘贴为 安全。
此解决方案也适用于私有存储库。您会看到的唯一一件事 创建资源时出现一些错误(因为未设置ssh密钥 然而)。但是脚本完成后应该没问题,因此请忽略 错误。对于公共存储库,您可以完全跳过该密钥设置内容。
function log {param($memo); Write-Host "[$((get-date).ToString("HH:mm:ss"))]: $memo" -ForegroundColor Green}
# =============== App and GitLab settings ==============
$resgroup = $webapp + "Group"
$plan = $webapp + "Plan"
$gitToken = "yourGitLabTokenHere"
$repoUrl = "https://gitlab.com/MagicAndi/geekscode.net"
# $projID = "99..."
# ============== DEPLOYMENT SCRIPT ==========================#
log "Setting up the app on azure"
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resgroup -Location $location
New-AzAppServicePlan -Name $plan -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resgroup -Tier Free
New-AzWebApp -Name $webapp -Location $location -AppServicePlan $plan -ResourceGroupName $resgroup
$appInfo = Get-AzWebApp -Name $webapp
$appRef = @{Name=$appInfo.Name; ResourceGroupName = $appInfo.ResourceGroup}
if(!$appInfo){Write-Host "app deployment failed" -ForegroundColor Red; return} else {Write-Host "App created:" -ForegroundColor Green}
# ================= linking web app to gitlab =========================
# you can do this manually: app dashboard / Deployment Centrer / External / App Service Kudu / git
log "setting up deployment "
$deployment = @{
PropertyObject = @{ repoUrl = $repoUrl; branch = "master"; isMercurial= $false; isManualIntegration = $true }
ResourceGroupName = $appInfo.ResourceGroup
ResourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols"
ResourceName = $appInfo.Name + "/web"
ApiVersion = "2018-02-01"
# you'll get error on this step for private repos because the key is not set up yet. You can ignore that error
Set-AzResource @deployment -Force
log "Extracting Deployment credentials"
# you can also create a user credentials in AZ CLI and skip this or manually get it in App's deployment center
$prof = Get-AzWebAppPublishingProfile @appRef | Select-Xml -XPath "//*[@publishMethod='MSDeploy']"
$deployCreds = $prof.node.userName + ":" + $prof.node.userPWD
log "Extracting Deployment key"
# Can skip for public repors
$keyUrl = "https://$webapp.scm.azurewebsites.net/api/sshkey?ensurePublicKey=1"
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($deployCreds))
$head = @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)}
$deployKey = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $keyUrl -Headers $head -Method Get
#============== Setting Up GIT LAB ================ #
$gitApi = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4"
$gitHead = @{'PRIVATE-TOKEN'= $gitToken; 'Content-Type'='application/json'}
# looking up project id by user/repo name. You can skip that and get the id from project general setting on GitLab
$repo = $repoUrl.Split("/")[-2,-1] -join "%2F"
$project = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$gitApi/projects/$repo" -Headers $head
$projID = $project.id
log "Setting up $repoUrl (project id $projID)"
# --- Adding deploy key to GitLab project (public repos can skip) ---
# You can copy the key manually - Go to Project / Settings / Repository / Deploy Keys
log "Adding deploy keys to GitLab project"
$keyBody = @{title="Azure_Key";key=$deployKey; can_push=$true} | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-RestMethod "$gitApi/projects/$projID/deploy_keys/" -Headers $gitHead -Body $keyBody -Method Post
log "Setting up a webhook"
# this can be set manualy - go to Project / Settings / Integrations.
$whBody = @{url = "https://$deployCreds@$webapp.scm.azurewebsites.net/deploy"} | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$gitApi/projects/$projID/hooks/" -Headers $gitHead -Body $whBody -Method Post
log "deployment completed `ncheck out your app at https://$webapp.azurewebsites.net"