我创建了两个看似简单的自定义类。第一个定义了五个字段(字符串,整数和货币)的记录,第二个定义了第一个类中定义的记录对象的数组,并添加了一些简单的引用字段。 (字符串等,没什么复杂的)
我有一个简单的测试程序。它首先声明一个记录数组(50),然后在Initialize Sub的For循环中通过“ Set ... = New”创建所有对象。到目前为止(显然)还不错。
测试代码将3条(垃圾)记录写入Array。经过试验之后,现在的测试顺序为:将记录添加到阵列(位置(0)到(2))。每次添加并打印结果后,立即从位置(0)中检索记录(该位置应该不变,但不会改变)。 编写完所有三个位置后,将使用For ... Next循环再次为所有三个位置打印结果。结果显示在下面的debug.print输出中:
Record 0 A nice Bunch of Flowers Bunch of Flowers 1 20
Record 1 A nsdfgh of Flowers Bunch of Fgfffwers 4 23345
Record 2 A nsdf3 Also Flowers BunchThirds 4 23345
Record 2 A nsdf3 Also Flowers BunchThirds 4 23345
Record 2 A nsdf3 Also Flowers BunchThirds 4 23345
Record 2 A nsdf3 Also Flowers BunchThirds 4 23345`
即似乎:-如果在编写记录时重新读取,则可以检索该记录。 -写入另一条记录后,阵列中直到写入的最高记录的所有记录都会变为最新记录,并且(上面未显示)如果我尝试读取(2)以上的记录,它们将为空。
Dim intSize As Integer 'The currently declared size of the Array
Dim trrRec(50) As clsTransRecord 'Shown hard coded to 50 here for test.
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim l As Integer 'Counter
intSize = 50 'The currently declared size of the Array
'Create the Objects
For l = 0 To intSize
Set trrRec(l) = New clsTransRecord
Next l
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim trcTest As clsTransRecord
Dim trcTest2 As clsTransRecord
Set trcTest = New clsTransRecord
Set trcTest2 = New clsTransRecord
Dim j As Integer
Dim traTest As clsTransArray
Set traTest = New clsTransArray
trcTest.LoadRecord "Record 0", "Bunch of Flowers", "A nice Bunch of Flowers", 1, 20
traTest.AddRecord trcTest
Set trcTest2 = traTest.GetRecordAccount(0)
Debug.Print trcTest2.TrCat, trcTest2.TrDesc, trcTest2.TrItem, trcTest2.TrTransDay, trcTest2.TrValue
trcTest.LoadRecord "Record 1", "Bunch of Fgfffwers", "A nsdfgh of Flowers", 4, 23345
traTest.AddRecord trcTest
Set trcTest2 = traTest.GetRecordAccount(0)
Debug.Print trcTest2.TrCat, trcTest2.TrDesc, trcTest2.TrItem, trcTest2.TrTransDay, trcTest2.TrValue
trcTest.LoadRecord "Record 2", "BunchThirds", "A nsdf3 Also Flowers", 4, 23345
traTest.AddRecord trcTest
Set trcTest2 = traTest.GetRecordAccount(0)
Debug.Print trcTest2.TrCat, trcTest2.TrDesc, trcTest2.TrItem, trcTest2.TrTransDay, trcTest2.TrValue
For j = 0 To 5
Set trcTest2 = traTest.GetRecordAccount(j)
Debug.Print trcTest2.TrCat, trcTest2.TrDesc, trcTest2.TrItem, trcTest2.TrTransDay, trcTest2.TrValue
End Sub
Public Sub AddRecord(clsNewRcd As clsTransRecord)
intRcdCnt = intRcdCnt + 1 'Increment the Record Counter
'Write the Record
Set trrRec(intRcdCnt - 1) = clsNewRcd
End Sub
'Gets an individual Record from the Object.
Public Function GetRecordAccount(k As Integer) As clsTransRecord
Set GetRecordAccount = trrRec(k)
End Function
'clsTransRecord Variables
Private strCat As String '- Category of Transaction. Allows Grouping of Items. Not always used
Private strItem As String '- Describes the Item as it appears in the Budget Entry or Bank Statement. Used to compare Budheted to Actual
'so can be difficult to read due to strange Bank Statements
Private strDesc As String '- The longer, uderstandable, version of the Item Description.
Private intTransDay As Integer '- The day of the month on which the transaction occurs
Private curValue As Currency '- The Value of the Transaction. Positive for Income, Negative for Expenditure.
Public Sub LoadRecord(strRecCat As String, strRecItem As String, strRecDesc As String, intRecTransDay As Integer, curRecValue As Currency)
'Loads an individual Record
strCat = strRecCat 'Record Category
strItem = strRecItem 'Short Item Budget or Statement description.
strDesc = strRecDesc 'Full Description of Item
intTransDay = intRecTransDay 'Day on which the transaction happened/will happen
curValue = curRecValue 'Value of the Transaction
End Sub
下面是clsTransRecord的Initialize Sub。
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'Clears everything
strCat = "" '- Category of Transaction.
strItem = "" '- Describes the Item as it appears in the Budget Entry or Bank Statement
strDesc = "" '- The longer, uderstandable, version of the Item Description.
intTransDay = 0 '- The day of the month on which the transaction occurs
curValue = 0 '- The Value of the Transaction
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
如果您需要三个实例,则需要创建三个实例,例如这样的事情。 HTH
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
' Array wrapper
Dim traTest As clsTransArray
Set traTest = New clsTransArray
' New records
Dim trcTest0 As clsTransRecord
Dim trcTest1 As clsTransRecord
Dim trcTest2 As clsTransRecord
' Record for print
Dim trcTestPrint As clsTransRecord
Set trcTest0 = New clsTransRecord
Set trcTest1 = New clsTransRecord
Set trcTest2 = New clsTransRecord
' Firts record
trcTest0.LoadRecord "Record 0", "Bunch of Flowers", "A nice Bunch of Flowers", 1, 20
traTest.AddRecord trcTest0
Set trcTestPrint = traTest.GetRecordAccount(0)
Debug.Print trcTestPrint.TrCat, trcTestPrint.TrDesc, trcTestPrint.TrItem, trcTestPrint.TrTransDay, trcTestPrint.TrValue
' Second record
trcTest1.LoadRecord "Record 1", "Bunch of Fgfffwers", "A nsdfgh of Flowers", 4, 23345
traTest.AddRecord trcTest1
Set trcTestPrint = traTest.GetRecordAccount(1)
Debug.Print trcTestPrint.TrCat, trcTestPrint.TrDesc, trcTestPrint.TrItem, trcTestPrint.TrTransDay, trcTestPrint.TrValue
' Third record
trcTest2.LoadRecord "Record 2", "BunchThirds", "A nsdf3 Also Flowers", 4, 23345
traTest.AddRecord trcTest2
Set trcTestPrint = traTest.GetRecordAccount(2)
Debug.Print trcTestPrint.TrCat, trcTestPrint.TrDesc, trcTestPrint.TrItem, trcTestPrint.TrTransDay, trcTestPrint.TrValue
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To 5
Set trcTestPrint = traTest.GetRecordAccount(j)
Debug.Print trcTestPrint.TrCat, trcTestPrint.TrDesc, trcTestPrint.TrItem, trcTestPrint.TrTransDay, trcTestPrint.TrValue
End Sub