这是第一次不是python => php但php =>蟒蛇。 我在python中的数组有小问题。 (我已去过docs.python.org)
这是我的问题: 我得到了像这样的字符串python:
(People 1):
<criteria a> <data of the criteria>
<criteria b> <data of the criteria>
<criteria c> <data of the criteria>
<criteria d> <data of the criteria>
(People 2):
<criteria a> <data of the criteria>
<criteria b> <data of the criteria>
<criteria d> <data of the criteria>
(注意人2标准c不存在) 所以我喜欢这样做(在php中很容易):
array_push( tab[ "criteria a" ],
array("People1", "data of the criteria")
知道怎么做吗? 我应该在哪里看? 我错过了字符串索引数组....
答案 0 :(得分:3)
在Python中,您有“词典”而不是“字符串索引数组”。 它们的语法与数组不同。
data = {}
data["people 1"] = {}
data["people 1"]["criteria a"] = "bla"
data["people 1"]["criteria b"] = "ble"
data["people 2"] = {}
>>> print data["people 1"].values()
["ble", "bla"]
(请注意,执行此操作时,顺序是任意的) 无论如何,你最好检查Python基本数据结构的文档来做到这一点: http://docs.python.org/tutorial/datastructures.html
答案 1 :(得分:0)
好的,这太过分了,但你可能觉得它很有趣; - )
import collections
import re
def makeMatcher(regex):
reg = re.compile(regex).match
def matcher(s):
match = reg(s)
return match and match.groups() # return None or tuple of match-values
return matcher
class StatefulIter(collections.Iterator):
def __init__(self, seq, stateVars, *transitions, **kwargs):
StatefulIter crunches input sequence using transition rules
:seq :input sequence of data to operate on
:stateVars :state variables to operate on - dict OR space-separated string OR collection of strings
:*transitions :list of (isMatch, onMatch) tuples
(isMatch can be a function or a regex string)
isMatch(data) returns matched fields or None
onMatch(statedict, *fields) processes matched fields, returns isOutput
:**outfn :if isOutput, return outfn(statedict)
outfn = kwargs.pop('outfn')
self.seq = seq
if isinstance(stateVars, dict):
self.statedict = stateVars
if isinstance(stateVars, basestring):
stateVars = stateVars.split()
self.statedict = {s:None for s in stateVars}
self.trans = [(isMatch if callable(isMatch) else makeMatcher(isMatch), onMatch) for isMatch,onMatch in transitions]
self.outfn = outfn
def next(self):
_sd = self.statedict
while True:
data = self.seq.next()
for isMatch,onMatch in self.trans:
match = isMatch(data)
if match is not None:
res = onMatch(_sd,*match)
if res:
return self.outfn(_sd)
class CriteriaIter(StatefulIter):
states = 'person criteria date'
isPeople = r'\((.+)\):'
def onPeople(statedict, pers):
statedict['person'] = pers
return False
isCriteria = r'\s*<(.*?)>\s*<(.*?)>'
def onCriteria(statedict, crit, date):
statedict['criteria'] = crit
statedict['date'] = date
return True
def outfn(statedict):
return statedict['person'], statedict['criteria'], statedict['date']
def __init__(self, seq, outfn=None):
people = (CriteriaIter.isPeople, CriteriaIter.onPeople)
criteria = (CriteriaIter.isCriteria, CriteriaIter.onCriteria)
outfn = outfn or CriteriaIter.outfn
super(CriteriaIter,self).__init__(seq, CriteriaIter.states, people, criteria, outfn=outfn)
class CriteriaFile(file):
def __iter__(self):
return CriteriaIter(self)
def main():
with CriteriaFile('data.txt') as inf:
allEntries = [entry for entry in inf]
allCriteria = set(entry[1] for entry in allEntries)
if __name__=="__main__":