使用angular6和node.js的应用程序遇到了一个问题,该问题现在正在编写负责在服务器上上传图片的部分,创建了imagePreview =“”变量(是的,默认情况下为空)
dBN$Year<-"2017" #all data are from 2017
##I could not figure out how jDay was formatted, so I created a manual 'key'
##to get Mo and Day by counting from a known date/jDay pair in original data
# 13635 is Mo=5 Day=1
# 13665 is Mo=5 Day=31
# 13666 is Mo=6 Day=1
# 13695 is Mo=6 Day=30
key4<-data.frame("jDay"=c(13633:13634), "Day"=c(29:30), "Mo"=4)
key5<-data.frame("jDay"=c(13635:13665), "Day"=c(1:31), "Mo"=5)
key6<-data.frame("jDay"=c(13666:13695), "Day"=c(1:30), "Mo"=6)
key7<-data.frame("jDay"=c(13696:13719), "Day"=c(1:24), "Mo"=7)
#make master 'key'
# Merge 'key' with dataset so all rows now have 'Mo' and 'Day' values
dBM<-merge(dBN, key, by="jDay", all.x=TRUE)
#clean unecessary columns and rename 'Mo' and 'Day' so it matches PC17 dataset
dBM<-dBM[ , -c(2,3,6:16)]
#I noticed an issue with duplication - merge with PC17 created a massive dataframe
dBM %>% ### Have too many observations per day, will duplicate merge out of control.
count(SiteID, jDay, DayL50) %>%
min=min(n, na.rm=TRUE),
mean=mean(n, na.rm=TRUE),
max=max(n, na.rm=TRUE)
## to fix this I only kept distinct observations so that each day has 1 observation
dB<-distinct(dBM, .keep_all = TRUE)
### Now run above line again to check how many observations per day are left. Should be 1
这就是我在第74行上显示的内容,我不知道错误在哪里(WebStorm强调> PCdB<-(merge(PC17, dB, by=c("SiteID", "Year","Mo","Day"), all.x=TRUE, all=FALSE,no.dups=TRUE))
> ### all.x=TRUE is important. This keeps all PC17 data, even stuff that DOESNT have dB data that corresponds to it.
> library(dplyr)
#Here is the NA interpolated 'dB' dataset
> dB %>%
+ group_by(SiteID) %>%
+ dplyr::summarise(
+ min_dBL50=min(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+ max_dBL50=max(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+ mean_dBL50=mean(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+ med_dBL50=median(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE)
+ )
# A tibble: 59 x 5
SiteID min_dBL50 max_dBL50 mean_dBL50 med_dBL50
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 CU1D 44.7 53.1 49.4 50.2
2 CU1M 37.6 65.2 59.5 62.6
3 CU1U 35.5 51 43.7 44.8
4 CU2D 42 52 47.8 49.3
5 CU2M 38.2 49 43.1 42.9
6 CU2U 34.1 53.7 46.5 47
7 CU3D 46.1 53.3 49.7 49.4
8 CU3M 44.5 73.5 61.9 68.2
9 CU3U 42 52.6 47.0 46.8
10 CU4D 42 45.3 44.0 44.6
# ... with 49 more rows
# Now here is the PCdB merged dataset, and we are no longer missing values!
> PCdB %>%
+ group_by(SiteID) %>%
+ dplyr::summarise(
+ min_dBL50=min(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+ max_dBL50=max(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+ mean_dBL50=mean(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+ med_dBL50=median(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE)
+ )
# A tibble: 60 x 5
SiteID min_dBL50 max_dBL50 mean_dBL50 med_dBL50
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 CU1D 44.8 50 46.8 47
2 CU1M 59 63.9 62.3 62.9
3 CU1U 37.9 46 43.6 44.4
4 CU2D 42.1 51.6 45.6 44.3
5 CU2M 38.4 48.3 44.2 45.5
6 CU2U 39.8 50.7 45.7 46.4
7 CU3D 46.5 49.5 47.7 47.7
8 CU3M 67.7 71.2 69.5 69.4
9 CU3U 43.3 52.6 48.1 48.2
10 CU4D 43.2 45.3 44.4 44.9
# ... with 50 more rows
ERROR in src/app/categories-page/categories-form/categories-form.component.ts(74,7): error TS2322: Type 'string | ArrayBuffer' is not assignable to type 'string'.
[1] Type 'ArrayBuffer' is not assignable to type 'string'.
reader.onload = () => {
this.imagePreview = reader.result
答案 0 :(得分:1)
因此,您必须显式转换它,以告诉编译器“ 我知道我在做什么”。
reader.onload = () => {
this.imagePreview = reader.result as string;