
时间:2018-12-06 19:45:18

标签: python matplotlib bar-chart


def delta_mean_precipitation():
    """Delta_mean_precipitation addresses task 7 of the project and is a function that takes no arguments and gives us the 
    rate of change in average precipitation year-to-year. The goal is to create a bar chart representing the change in value
    of global mean precipitation between each pair of consecutive years. A lot of the code is similar to the the anomoly code 
    data=np.load('annual_precip.npy') #load the data
    data=data.astype(np.float) #convert type to float
    yearly_precip=[] #this will only have 115 values 
    for i in range(115):
        rate_of_change=[] #create an empty array called rate of change. This will account for ALL the years 
        for j in range (85794):
            rate_of_change.append(float(avg_precip))#add all the average values to the empty array 
        yearly_precip.append(sum(rate_of_change)/(85794)) #sicne I want the average for each year, I will make an array with ALL of the data from the year and then take the average. The average will then be added to a new list. 
    year_to_year=[] #create an empty array 
    for k in range(114):
        year_to_year.append(yearly_precip[k]-yearly_precip[k-1]) #add to the list by using the yearly_precip array 
    x=[i for i in range (1901,2015)] #line 199 - 205 are plot parameters 
    pl.title('Rate of change in global annual mean precipition between 1900 and 2014')
    pl.ylabel('Rate of change in mean precipitation mL/year')

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