
时间:2018-12-05 10:52:13

标签: reactjs typescript

我正在尝试在React中编写一个抽象的基础组件类,该基础类接受子类的通用属性和状态类型PS,然后传递{{ 1}}和P & PBase放入S & SBase的模板类型中。我可以做到,但是随后调用Component只能在this.setState()null上使用。



据我所知,问题是编译器无法肯定/** * Simplified version of Component<P, S> */ class Component<S = {}> { setState<K extends keyof S>(state: Pick<S, K> | S | null): void { // set the state }; state?: S; } interface SBase { x: number; } /** * My abstract base class */ abstract class MyComponentBase<S> extends Component<S & SBase> { doSomethingThatSetsState() { // fails: Type 1 is not assignable to type S["x"] this.setState({ x: 1 }); } } 不包含名为S的属性,而x并不包含x




// returns types that T and S both extend
type Same<T, U> = T extends U ? T : never;

// returns never if T and S share any properties in common, else returns T
type NoneInCommon<T, S> = Same<keyof T, keyof S> extends never ? T : never;

// returns T & S if no properties are in common, else never
type Intersect<T, S> = NoneInCommon<T, S> extends never ? never : T & S;


 * My abstract base class
abstract class MyComponentBase<S> extends Component<Intersect<S, SBase>> {
    doSomethingThatSetsState() {
        // now this succeeds
        this.setState({ x: 1 });

它确实使/** * My component class */ class MyComponent extends MyComponentBase<SBase> {} 的{​​{1}}类型为MyComponent的{​​{1}}属性,所以虽然有些理想,但还是不理想。有没有办法强迫编译器识别state是无效类?

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