In Gridstack, how to maximize and minimize button on widget?

时间:2018-12-03 13:22:30

标签: gridstack

I have put two button on every widget like 'Maximize' and 'Minimize in' in widget header section. I want a functionality like when I click on minimize button, my widget will minimized and all other widget will rearrange to new position accordingly and when I click on maximize button that widget will take height same as original widget height and all other widget set to new position accordingly.

$(function() {

var options = {
         // cell_height: 150,
          //width: 3

    $('body').on('click', '.minimize-link', function() { 


        $(this).closest(".grid-stack-item").find(".portlet-content").css("display", "none");
   $(this).closest(".grid-stack-item").attr("data-gs-height", "1");


    $('body').on('click', '.maximize-link', function() { 


        $(this).closest(".grid-stack-item").find(".portlet-content").css("display", "none");
        $(this).closest(".grid-stack-item").attr("data-gs-height", "4");



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