
时间:2018-12-03 09:34:27

标签: javascript jquery html css

在单击按钮/触发器时,我需要将特定类“ .imageShift”的所有实例的文件夹路径名从img / image.jpg更改为imgdark / image.jpg。插入图像src中的任何图像名称在所有情况下都应保持不变。只需将“ img”文件夹路径替换为“ imgdark”即可。我尝试了下面给出的代码。

$('.themeColor').click(function () {
    var getId = $(this).attr('id');
    var imagePath = $('.imagePath');
    if (getId === 'darkTheme') {

        imagePath.attr('src', function (index, attr) {
            return attr.replace('img', 'imgdark');
    } else if (getId === 'lightTheme') {
        imagePath.attr('src', function (index, attr) {
            return attr.replace('imgdark', 'img');


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined
at HTMLLIElement.<anonymous> (homepage.js:1619)
at z (jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2)
at w.fn.init.attr (jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2)
at HTMLSpanElement.<anonymous> (homepage.js:1617)
at HTMLSpanElement.dispatch (jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2)
at HTMLSpanElement.y.handle (jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


$('.themeColor').click(function () {
var getId = $(this).attr('id');
var imagePath = $('.imagePath');
if (getId === 'darkTheme') {

    imagePath.attr('src', 'imgdark/image.jpg');
} else if (getId === 'lightTheme') {
    imagePath.attr('src', 'img/image.jpg');


答案 1 :(得分:1)


$('.themeColor').click(function () {
     var getId = $(this).attr('id');
     var imagePath = $('.imagePath');
     if (getId === 'darkTheme') {
      imagePath.attr('src', imagePath.attr('src').replace('img/', 'imgdark/'));
     } else if (getId === 'lightTheme') {
       imagePath.attr('src', imagePath.attr('src').replace('imgdark/', 'img/'));

    $('.imagePath').each(function(index, val) {
     console.log('You changed the image('+(index+1)+') path to:'+$(this).attr('src'))
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button class="themeColor" id="darkTheme">Dark</button>
<button class="themeColor" id="lightTheme">Light</button>

<img class="imagePath" src="imgdark/sampleimg.jpg" alt="">
<img class="imagePath" src="imgdark/sampleimg.jpg" alt="">

答案 2 :(得分:0)


    $('.themeColor').click(function () {
    var getId = $(this).attr('id');
    var imagePath = $('.imagePath');
    if (getId === 'darkTheme') {

        imagePath.attr('src', function (index, attr) {
            if attr {
              return attr.replace('img/', 'imgdark/');
    } else if (getId === 'lightTheme') {
        imagePath.attr('src', function (index, attr) {
            if attr {
                 return attr.replace('imgdark/', 'img/');