
时间:2018-12-01 23:40:31

标签: python-3.x object text-files readfile writefile


h1 = Hand(3)

datafile = open('handtest.txt', 'w')



我想回读文件中的内容,并将其另存为另一个对象。但是,当我在文本文件中写入对象时,我已经将格式更改为字符串。如何再次将其另存为对象?是否可以在不使用酸洗和json的情况下这样做? 这是我的手形课:

from card import Card
import random
Defines class Hand, in file hand.py

class Hand:
    One object of class Hand represents a hand of cards
    and so one object stores a number of Card objects.

    def __init__(self, numCardsInHand):
        Initializes a Hand object with numCardsInHand Card objects inside it.
        # Creates a list for storing a hand of cards.
        self.list = []
        # Creates a list for storing bj value.
        self.listBJ = []

        # Uses a loop to store a hand of cards to a list and stores the bj values of the cards to another list.
        for count in range(numCardsInHand):
           #call hitMe()

    def bjValue(self):
        Returns the blackjack value for the whole Hand of cards
        BJ = ""
        # Sums up all the bj values in self.listBJ and returns it to the bjValue method.
        BJ = sum(self.listBJ)
        return BJ

    def __str__(self):
        Calls the __str__( ) method and uses the returned value
        from the __str__( ) method as the string that is required.
        Returns the local variable in the string method.
        # Tranforms the self.list from list type to string type and saves it as a local variable.
        all_items = '\n'.join(map(str, self.list))
        return all_items

    def hitMe(self):
        Adds one randomly generated Card to the Hand.
        Randomly chooses a rank number and a suit type and save them as local variables.
        Uses the variables as the Card argument in an object. Then append the object to the self.list
        # Randomly chooses a number from 1-13 and stores it as a local variable.
        all_rank = random.randint(1, 13)
        # Lists suit types.
        random_suit = ['d', 'c', 'h', 's']
        # Randomly chooses a suit type in the random_suit list and stores it as a local variable.
        all_suit = random.choice(random_suit)
        # Uses the local variables as arguments of one object of the class Card and appends the object to the self.list.
        self.list.append(Card(all_rank, all_suit))
        # Appends all_rank to self.listBJ.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Python中的许多对象都有一个repr(),它与最初用于创建它的Python代码相对应。因此,首先将行更改为使用repr而不是str。 (尽管对于某些对象,__str__方法仅调用__repr__。)



with open('handtest.txt') as datafile:
    h1 = eval(datafile.read())





def of(cls, hand, bj):
    hand = super().__new__(cls)
    hand.list = hand
    hand.listBj = bj
    return hand


def __repr__(self):
    return f"Hand.of(hand={self.list!r}, bj={self.listBj!r})
