
时间:2018-11-28 10:18:46

标签: wordpress

我正在为Wordpress使用Portfolio Gallery插件,但是我想知道当用户单击ALL过滤器标签时,是否可能仅显示6个随机图像(此标签将获取其他过滤器标签的所有图像)


如果(!defined('ABSPATH'))退出; //如果直接访问则退出

/ **

  • Blue Imp灯箱加载文件

    * /

wp_enqueue_style('awl-bootstrap-lightbox-css',PFG_PLUGIN_URL .'lightbox / bootstrap / css / ekko-lightbox.css');

wp_enqueue_script('awl-bootstrap-lightbox-js',PFG_PLUGIN_URL .'lightbox / bootstrap / js / ekko-lightbox.js',array('jquery'),``,true);

$ allimages = array('p'=> $ pf_gallery_id,'post_type'=>'awl_filter_gallery','orderby'=>'ASC');

$ loop =新的WP_Query($ allimages);

while($ loop-> have_posts()):$ loop-> the_post(); $ post_id = get_the_ID();

$all_category = get_option('awl_portfolio_filter_gallery_categories');

// collect all selected filters assigned on images

$all_selected_filters = array();

foreach ($filters as $filters_key => $filters_value) {

    if(is_array($filters_value)) {

        $all_selected_filters = array_merge($all_selected_filters, $filters_value);




<div class="row text-center">

    <ul class="simplefilter simplefilter_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?>">


        $all_category_val = $all_category[0]; ?>

        <li class="active" data-filter="all"><?php _e($all_category_val, PFG_TXTDM); ?></li>


        if(is_array($all_selected_filters) && count($all_selected_filters)) {

            $all_selected_filters = array_unique($all_selected_filters ); // remove same key

            foreach ($all_selected_filters as $filter_key) {


                <li data-filter="<?php echo $filter_key ?>"><?php  _e($all_category[$filter_key], PFG_TXTDM); ?></li>






<div id="filter_gallery_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?>" class="row filtr-container filters-div">


    if(isset($pf_gallery_settings['image-ids']) && count($pf_gallery_settings['image-ids']) > 0) {

        $count = 0;

        if($thumbnail_order == "DESC") {

            $pf_gallery_settings['image-ids'] = array_reverse($pf_gallery_settings['image-ids']);


        if($thumbnail_order == "RANDOM") {



        $no = 1;

        foreach($pf_gallery_settings['image-ids'] as $attachment_id) {


            $image_link_url =  $pf_gallery_settings['image-link'][$count];

            $image_type = $pf_gallery_settings['slide-type'][$attachment_id];

            $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, 'thumb', true);

            $thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, 'thumbnail', true);

            $medium = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, 'medium', true);

            $large = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, 'large', true);

            $full = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, 'full', true);

            $postthumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, 'post-thumbnail', true);

            $attachment_details = get_post( $attachment_id );

            $href = get_permalink( $attachment_details->ID );

            $src = $attachment_details->guid;

            $title = $attachment_details->post_title;

            $description = $attachment_details->post_content;

            //set thumbnail size

            if($gal_thumb_size == "thumbnail") { $thumbnail_url = $thumbnail[0]; }

            if($gal_thumb_size == "medium") { $thumbnail_url = $medium[0]; }

            if($gal_thumb_size == "large") { $thumbnail_url = $large[0]; }

            if($gal_thumb_size == "full") { $thumbnail_url = $full[0]; }

            // seach attachment id in to $filters and get all filter ids

            //$pfg_filters = $pf_gallery_settings['filters'];

            foreach ($filters as $pfg_filters_key => $pfg_filters_values) {


            if (array_key_exists($attachment_id, $filters)) {

                $filter_key_array = $filters[$attachment_id];

                $prefix = $filter_keys = '';

                if(count($filter_key_array) > 1) {

                    foreach ($filter_key_array as $filter_key => $filter_value) {

                        $filter_keys .= $prefix . $filter_value;

                        $prefix = ', ';


                } else {

                    $filter_keys = $filter_key_array[0];                        




                <?php if($image_link_url) { 

                    if($image_type == 'image') { 


                        <a href="<?php echo $image_link_url; ?>" title="<?php echo $title; ?>" target="<?php echo $url_target; ?>">

                            <div data-category="<?php echo $filter_keys; ?>" data-sort="<?php echo $title; ?>" class="filtr-item filtr_item_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?> single_one <?php echo $col_large_desktops; ?> <?php echo $col_desktops; ?> <?php echo $col_tablets; ?> <?php echo $col_phones; ?>">

                                <img class="thumbnail thumbnail_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?> pfg-img pfg_img_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?> img-responsive <?php echo $image_hover_effect; ?>" src="<?php echo $thumbnail_url; ?>" alt="<?php echo $title; ?>">

                                <?php if($image_numbering) {?>

                                    <div class="item-position item_position_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?>"><?php echo $no; ?></div>

                                <?php } ?>

                                <?php if($title_thumb == "show") {?>

                                <span class="item-desc item_desc_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?>"><?php _e($title, PFG_TXTDM); ?></span>

                                <?php } ?>




                    }// image with link

                    if($image_type == 'video') {


                        <a class="bla-2" href="<?php echo $image_link_url; ?>" title="<?php echo $title; ?>" target="<?php echo $url_target; ?>">

                            <div data-category="<?php echo $filter_keys; ?>" data-sort="<?php echo $title; ?>" class="filtr-item filtr_item_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?> single_one <?php echo $col_large_desktops; ?> <?php echo $col_desktops; ?> <?php echo $col_tablets; ?> <?php echo $col_phones; ?>">

                                <span class="snipv12">

                                    <img class="thumbnail thumbnail_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?> pfg-img pfg_img_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?> img-responsive <?php echo $image_hover_effect; ?>" src="<?php echo $thumbnail_url; ?>" alt="<?php echo $title; ?>">

                                    <?php if (!strpos($image_link_url, 'vimeo')) { 


                                    <i class=""><img src="<?php echo PFG_PLUGIN_URL ?>/img/p-youtube.png"></i>


                                    } else {


                                    <i class="fa fa-youtube-play"></i>








                    }  // image with video

                } else { ?>

                <a href="<?php echo $full[0]; ?>" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="multiimages" data-title="<?php _e($title, PFG_TXTDM); ?>">

                    <div data-category="<?php echo $filter_keys; ?>" data-sort="<?php echo $title; ?>" class="filtr-item filtr_item_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?> single_one <?php echo $col_large_desktops; ?> <?php echo $col_desktops; ?> <?php echo $col_tablets; ?> <?php echo $col_phones; ?>">

                        <img class="thumbnail thumbnail_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?> pfg-img pfg_img_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?> img-responsive <?php echo $image_hover_effect; ?>" src="<?php echo $thumbnail_url; ?>" alt="<?php echo $title; ?>">

                        <?php if($image_numbering) {?>

                            <div class="item-position item_position_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?>"><?php echo $no; ?></div>

                        <?php } ?>

                        <?php if($title_thumb == "show") {?>

                        <span class="item-desc item_desc_<?php echo $pf_gallery_id; ?>"><?php _e($title, PFG_TXTDM); ?></span>

                        <?php } ?>



                <?php } ?>




        }// end of attachment foreach

    } else {

        _e('Sorry! No image gallery found ', PFG_TXTDM);

        echo ":[PFG id=$post_id]";

    } // end of if esle of images avaialble check into imager


jQuery(window).load(function(){     // Filterizd默认选项     选项= {         animationDuration:0.5,         回调:{             onFilteringStart:function(){},             onFilteringEnd:function(){},             onShufflingStart:function(){},             onShufflingEnd:function(){},             onSortingStart:function(){},             onSortingEnd:function(){}         },         延迟:50         delayMode:“渐进式”,         缓和:“缓和”,         过滤器:“全部”,         // layout:'sameWidth',         选择器:“#filter_gallery_”,         setupControls:是     }     var filterizd = jQuery('#filter_gallery _')。filterizr('setOptions',options);     // bootstrap-lightbox-js     jQuery(document).ready(function(jQuery){         //将调用委托给data-toggle =“ lightbox”         jQuery(document).delegate('* [data-toggle =“ lightbox”]:not([data-gallery =“ navigateTo”])'','click',function(event){             event.preventDefault();             返回jQuery(this).ekkoLightbox({                 onShown:function(){                     / *如果(window.console){                         返回console.log('正在检查我们的事件吧?');                     } * /                 },                 onNavigate:function(direction,itemIndex){                     如果(window.console){                         返回console.log('正在导航'+方向+'。当前项目:'+ itemIndex);                     }                 }             });         });         //以编程方式调用         jQuery('#open-image')。click(function(e){             e.preventDefault();             jQuery(this).ekkoLightbox();         });         jQuery('#open-youtube')。click(function(e){             e.preventDefault();             jQuery(this).ekkoLightbox();         });         // 导航         jQuery(document).delegate('* [data-gallery =“ navigateTo”]','click',function(event){             event.preventDefault();             var lb;             返回jQuery(this).ekkoLightbox({                 onShown:function(){                     lb =这个;                     jQuery(lb.modal_content).on('click','.modal-footer a',function(e){                         e.preventDefault();                         lb.navigateTo(2);                     });                 }             });         });     });     // 视频播放器     jQuery(函数(){       jQuery(“ a.bla-1”)。YouTubePopUp();       jQuery(“ a.bla-2”)。YouTubePopUp({autoplay:0}); //禁用自动播放     }); });

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