struct tindex
char* fcode;
char* fdesc;
int fstartidx;
int fsize;
char* ftype;
char* precision;
char* fcons;
char* notnull;
char* ronly;
char* wdth;
char* res2;
char* cel;
char* flr;
struct tindex *idx= (struct tindex*)malloc(sizeof(struct tindex));
sscanf(cur,"%s",idx[0]); //Access first member of struct
答案 0 :(得分:2)
struct tindex
char* fcode;
char* fdesc;
int fstartidx;
int fsize;
char* ftype;
char* precision;
char* fcons;
char* notnull;
char* ronly;
char* wdth;
char* res2;
char* cel;
char* flr;
#include <stddef.h>
void *LookupField(struct tindex *p, int index)
static const size_t Offsets[] =
offsetof(struct tindex, fcode),
offsetof(struct tindex, fdesc),
offsetof(struct tindex, fstartidx),
offsetof(struct tindex, fsize),
offsetof(struct tindex, ftype),
offsetof(struct tindex, precision),
offsetof(struct tindex, fcons),
offsetof(struct tindex, notnull),
offsetof(struct tindex, ronly),
offsetof(struct tindex, wdth),
offsetof(struct tindex, res2),
offsetof(struct tindex, cel),
offsetof(struct tindex, flr),
return (char *) p + Offsets[index];
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
struct tindex t;
printf("%p = %p.\n", (void *) &t.fcode, LookupField(&t, 0));
printf("%p = %p.\n", (void *) &t.fcons, LookupField(&t, 6));
printf("%p = %p.\n", (void *) &t.flr, LookupField(&t, 12));
请注意,由于结构中存在不同的类型,因此地址仅作为void *
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您使用的任何指针算术运算都会增加结构体的大小,因此您需要知道需要多少字节,然后将其转换为unsigned char *,然后再尝试对其进行索引。就像评论中提到的那样,这是一个坏主意,不好的做法,不能从32/64位指针移植,很难读/等。话虽如此,可以通过特定于平台的实现来完成
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct tindex
char* fcode;
char* fdesc;
int fstartidx;
int fsize;
char* ftype;
char* precision;
char* fcons;
char* notnull;
char* ronly;
char* wdth;
char* res2;
char* cel;
char* flr;
int main(void) {
struct tindex *idx= (struct tindex*)malloc(sizeof(struct tindex));
idx->fstartidx = 42;
//a more intereting example, base_address[1] will always increment by 1 byte (for example) when you try to implememtn other members
unsigned char * base_address = (unsigned char *)idx;
int * why_do_this = (int *)(base_address + 2*sizeof(char*));
*why_do_this = 43;
printf("First some sizes: sizeof struct=%zu \t sizeof char *=%zu\t 2*sizeof(char*)=0x%04x\n", sizeof(struct tindex), sizeof(char*), 2*sizeof(char*));
printf("Starting address %p, new offset %p, delta 0x%04x should be 2* sizeof char *\n", idx, why_do_this, (int)why_do_this - (int)idx);
printf("The intfstart index value should be %d which actually is now %d", *why_do_this, idx->fstartidx); //the intfstart index
return 0;
First some sizes: sizeof struct=96 sizeof char *=8 2*sizeof(char*)=0x0010
Starting address 0x5573c0327010, new offset 0x5573c0327020, delta 0x0010 should be 2* sizeof char *
The intfstart index value should be 43 which actually is now 43
正如其他一些注释所建议的那样,如果未使用#pramga pack