
时间:2018-11-28 01:43:47

标签: python python-3.x



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
import scipy.ndimage.filters as fi
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve as conv
from scipy.misc import imresize

import cv2


def gaussian_kernel(size=5, sigma=1.):
    if size % 2 == 0:
        size += 1
    k = np.zeros((size,size))
    k[size/2, size/2] = 1
    k = fi.gaussian_filter(k, sigma)
    return k

def preprocess(img, size):
    '''Preprocess the input image. Resize and convert to greyscale.

    i = imresize(img, size, 'bicubic')
    i = np.dot(i[...,:3], [0.3, 0.6, 0.1])
    return i

class PulseNet(object):
    '''A simple pulsing net where each each neuron pulses independently of all
    others. When a nueron fires, the threshold gets reset to a default value 
    and then decays over time. In this model, the neurons connected to higher-
    intensity inputs will fire more frequently. It's not a particularly useful
    model, but serves as a good starting point.

    def __init__(self, w, h):
        size = (w,h)
        self.F = np.zeros(size)
        self.Y = np.zeros(size)
        self.T = np.zeros(size)

        self.v = 500.
        self.t = 0.7

    def step(self, S):
        F = S
        Y = np.where(F > self.T, 1, 0)
        T = np.where(Y==1, self.v, self.t*self.T)

        self.F = F
        self.Y = Y
        self.T = T

        return self.Y

class ICM(PulseNet):
    '''Intersecting Cortical Model.
    This is a simplified version of Eckhorn's original biologically derived
    model, created specifically to be used in image processing tasks. It is
    based on the following equations:

    1) F_ij[n+1] = f*F_ij[n] + S_ij + W{Y}_ij
    2) Y_ij[n+1] = 1 if F_ij[n+1] > T_ij[n] else 0
    3) T_ij[n+1] = g*T_ij[n] + h*Y_ij[n+1]

    S is the input image
    F is the internal neuron state
    Y is the neuron outputs
    T is the state of the dynamic thresholds
    0 < g < f < 1, scalers
    h is a large scaler used to increase the dynamic threshold after firing
    W{} describes the connections between the neurons

    Curvature flow model of W:
    4) W{A} = A' = [[F_2a'{M{A'}} + F_1a'{A'}] < 0.5]
    5) A' = A + [F_1a{M{A}} > 0.5]
    6) [F_1a{X}]_ij = X_ij if A_ij == 0 else 0
    7) [F_2a{X}]_ij = X_ij if A_ij == 1 else 0
    8) [X > d]_ij = 1 if X_ij >= d else 0
    9) [X < d]_ij = 1 if X_ij <= d else 0

    def __init__(self, w, h, update='autowave'):
        update_methods = {
            'autowave': self._centripetal_autowave_update,
            'smooth': self._smooth_kernel_update
        if update not in update_methods:
            raise Exception('{} is not a valid update method ({})'.format(
                update, ','.join(update_methods)))

        self.update = update_methods[update]

        self.f = 0.5
        self.g = 0.45
        self.h = 150.

        size = (h,w)
        self.F = np.zeros(size)
        self.Y = np.zeros(size)
        self.T = np.ones(size) * self.h * 5
        self.W = gaussian_kernel()

    def step(self, S):
        F = S + self.f*self.F + self.update()
        Y = np.where(F > self.T, 1, 0)
        T = self.g*self.T + self.h*Y

        self.F = F
        self.Y = Y
        self.T = T

        return self.Y

    def _smooth_kernel_update(self):
        return conv(self.Y, self.W, mode='same')

    def _centripetal_autowave_update(self):
        '''Curvature flow model of W:
        4) W{A} = A' = [[F_2a'{M{A'}} + F_1a'{A'}] < 0.5]
        5) A' = A + [F_1a{M{A}} > 0.5]
        6) [F_1a{X}]_ij = X_ij if A_ij == 0 else 0
        7) [F_2a{X}]_ij = X_ij if A_ij == 1 else 0
        8) [X > d]_ij = 1 if X_ij >= d else 0
        9) [X < d]_ij = 1 if X_ij <= d else 0
        M_Y = conv(self.Y, self.W, mode='same')
        Y_p = self.Y + (np.where(self.Y==0, M_Y, 0) >= 0.5)
        M_Yp = conv(Y_p, self.W, mode='same')
        W = Y_p + ((np.where(Y_p==1, M_Yp, 0) + np.where(Y_p==0, Y_p, 0)) <= 0.5)
        return W

class Simulator(object):
    '''Convenience class for simulating models and viewing the results.

    def __init__(self):

    def simulate(self, input_img, model, steps=8):

        input_img= cv2.imread('1.jpg')

        for _ in range(steps):
            res = model.step(input_img)

    def plot_results(self):
        plt.subplot2grid((2,6), (0,0), rowspan=2, colspan=2)
        plt.imshow(self.img, cmap='gray')

        for n,i in enumerate(self.results):
            plt.subplot2grid((2,6), (n/4, n%4 + 2))


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