
时间:2018-11-24 21:39:26

标签: ios swift



“ UIViewController”类型的值?没有成员....


func passAndNavigateResultsFor(surveyName: String){

    let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
    var vc = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController()

    //Determining which class vc will be cast as

    if surveyName == "EFDizzinessSurveyTask" {
        let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier :surveyName) as! EFDizzinessSurveyResults
    } else if surveyName == "EFHipArthritisSurveyTask" {
        let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier :surveyName) as! EFHipArthritisSurveyResults
    } else if surveyName == "EFKoosKneeSurveyTask" {
        let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier :surveyName) as! EFKoosKneeSurveyResults
    } else if surveyName == "EFLEFSSurveyTask" {
        let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier :surveyName) as! EFLEFSSurveyResults
    } else if surveyName == "EFQuickDASHSurveyTask" {
        let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier :surveyName) as! EFQuickDASHSurveyResults
    } else if surveyName == "EFNeckDisabilitySurveyTask" {
        let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier :surveyName) as! EFNeckDisabilitySurveyResults

    //Data that I want to pass through regardless of which class vc is cast as

    if (firstNameResult != nil) && (lastNameResult != nil) {
        self.fullName = self.firstNameResult! + " " + self.lastNameResult!
        vc.nameText = self.fullName!
    if painLevelResult != nil {
        vc.painLevelText = String(describing: painLevelResult!)
    if careSatisfactionResult != nil {
        vc.careSatisfactionText = String(describing: careSatisfactionResult!)
    if rateProgressResult != nil {
        vc.rateProgressText = String(describing: rateProgressResult!)
    if therapyGoalsResult != nil {
        vc.therapyGoalsText = String(describing: therapyGoalsResult!)
    if step1Result != nil {
        vc.step1Text = String(describing: step1Result!)
    if step2Result != nil {
        vc.step2Text = String(describing: step2Result!)
    if step3Result != nil {
        vc.step3Text = String(describing: step3Result!)
    if step4Result != nil {
        vc.step4Text = String(describing: step4Result!)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if let yourVC = segue.destination as? YourViewController {
        yourVC.painLevelText = painLevelText

