
时间:2018-11-24 15:15:34

标签: php mysql


24-Nov-2018 15:06:58 UTC] PHP注意:MySQL错误您的SQL语法有错误;检查与您的MySQL服务器版本相对应的手册以获取正确的语法,以在第1行的''附近使用

SELECT积分,0个day_winnings,lifetime_winnings来自5fa_users,其中id =;


[24-Nov-2018 15:06:59 UTC] PHP注意:MySQL错误您的SQL语法错误;检查与您的MySQL服务器版本相对应的手册以获取正确的语法,以在第1行的''附近使用

SELECT积分,0个day_winnings,lifetime_winnings来自5fa_users,其中id =;




class Users {

    // This function gets called *a lot*, so it must be very quick to run. Cache stuff if necessary.
    public static function LoggedUserID() {
        return isset($_SESSION['ID']) ? $_SESSION['ID'] : null;

    // Must return credits, day_winnings and lifetine_winnings
    // Day_winnings may be implemented in multiple different ways. The server doesn't implement them as-is
    public static function GetUserData($ID) {
        return DB::SingleRow("SELECT credits, 0 AS day_winnings, lifetime_winnings FROM 5fa_users WHERE id = " . DB::DQ($ID) . ";");

    public static function IncrementSlotMachineSpins($ID) {
        DB::Execute("UPDATE 5fa_users SET spins = spins + 1 WHERE id = " . DB::DQ($ID) . ";");

    public static function DeductCredits($ID, $bet) {
        DB::Execute("UPDATE 5fa_users SET credits = credits - " . DB::DQ($bet) . " WHERE id = " . DB::DQ($ID) . ";");
        // If you have any sort of audit for your user's credits, you want to log into that
    public static function IncreaseCredits($ID, $payout) {
        DB::Execute("UPDATE 5fa_users SET credits = credits + " . DB::DQ($payout) . " WHERE id = " . DB::DQ($ID) . ";");
        // If you have any sort of audit for your user's credits, you want to log into that
    public static function IncreaseWinnings($ID, $payout) {
        DB::Execute("UPDATE 5fa_users SET lifetime_winnings = lifetime_winnings + " . DB::DQ($payout) . " WHERE id = " . DB::DQ($ID) . ";");
        // If you have any sort of audit for your user's credits, you want to log into that
        // If you keep track of day_winnings, you probably want to update them here too

    public static function HasEnoughCredits($ID, $bet){
        $userData = self::GetUserData($ID);
        return ($userData['credits'] >= $bet);



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您确定word_positions {0: 'zero', 1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four', 5: 'five', 6: 'six', 7: 'seven', 8: 'eight', 9: 'nine', 10: 'ten'} 返回ID吗?



ID为空。 Wich可能表示该函数未返回ID或该函数未接收ID。