[语法错误]预期的Doctrine \ Common \ Annotations \ DocLexer :: T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS,在属性Application \ Entity \ catalogTemplateVersion :: $ validUntil中位于位置52的'datetime'。
* @var \DateTime @ORM\Column(name="valid_until, type="datetime")
private $validUntil;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我找到了错误。我尚未关闭注释(名称)。 ... name =“ valid_until ...
答案 1 :(得分:-1)
import csv
import sys
import os
inputPatterns = open(os.curdir + '/search_for.csv', 'rt')
# Reader for the IDs (users) you are looking to find (key)
reader = csv.reader(inputPatterns)
ids = []
# reading the IDs you are looking for from search_for.csv
for row in reader:
# Let's see if any of the user IDs we are looking for has any project related info
# if so write them to your output CSV
for userID in ids:
# Organization list with names and Company ID and reader
userList = open(os.curdir + '/users.csv', 'rt')
reader = csv.reader(userList)
# This will be the output file
result_f = open(os.curdir + "/" + userID + ".csv", 'w')
w = csv.writer(result_f)
# Writing header information
w.writerow(['Date', 'Prj1_Assigned', 'Prj1_closed', 'Prj2_assigned', 'Prj2_solved'])
# Scanning for projects for user and appending them
for row in reader:
if userID == row[1]:
w.writerow([row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7]])