
时间:2018-11-13 03:06:12

标签: swift cocoa appkit macos-carbon

我正在尝试编写一个自定义NSMenu,它将能够列出按键输入并拦截必要的事件。这是为我打开的source clipboard manager提供一个简单的按需搜索功能。



let eventHandlerCallback: EventHandlerUPP = { eventHandlerCallRef, eventRef, userData in
  let response = CallNextEventHandler(eventHandlerCallRef, eventRef!)
  print("Response \(response)")
  return response

此回调可正常运行,并始终打印Response 0。此响应表示该事件已正确处理。

但是,一旦我们在键盘事件之前发送了鼠标事件,事情就会变得很奇怪。在这种情况下,回调将失败并显示Response -9874。此响应表示该事件未正确处理。


为了进行复制,我将uploaded the code to Gist添加到XCode游乐场并运行。看到菜单弹出窗口后,按一些键(最好是箭头键,因为它们不会关闭菜单),并在控制台中观察Response 0。之后,将光标移到菜单内,然后按更多箭头键。您现在应该在控制台中看到Response -9874

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


extension CustomMenuItemViewController: NSTextFieldDelegate {
    func controlTextDidChange( _ obj: Notification) {
        if let postingObject = obj.object as? NSTextField {
            let text = postingObject.stringValue
            print("the text is now: \(text)")


func installCustomMenuItem() {
    let menuBarItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Test", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
    let menu = NSMenu(title: "TestMenu" )
    let subMenuBarItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Custom View", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")

    subMenuBarItem.view = menuItemVC.view
    menuBarItem.submenu = menu

输入“ hello”后看起来像这样:

enter image description here


the text is now: H 
the text is now: He 
the text is now: Hel 
the text is now: Hell
the text is now: Hello





class CustomMenuView: NSView {

    override var acceptsFirstResponder: Bool {
        return true

    override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {

        // Drawing code here.

    override func keyDown(with event: NSEvent) {
        print("key down with character: \(String(describing: event.characters)) " )



key down with character: Optional("H") 
key down with character: Optional("e") 
key down with character: Optional("l") 
key down with character: Optional("l") 
key down with character: Optional("o") 
key down with character: Optional(" ")
key down with character: Optional("T") 
key down with character: Optional("h") 
key down with character: Optional("i") 
key down with character: Optional("s") 
key down with character: Optional(" ") 
key down with character: Optional("i") 
key down with character: Optional("s") 
key down with character: Optional(" ") 
key down with character: Optional("c") 
key down with character: Optional("o") 
key down with character: Optional("o") 
key down with character: Optional("l") 




// Simple swift playground test
// The pop-up menu will show up onscreen in the playground at a fixed location.   
// Click in the popup and then all key commands will be logged.
// The ViewController in my example above may be taking care of putting the custom view in the responder chain, or the fact that it's in a menubar and being invoked via a MenuItem might be.
// I'd suggest trying it in the actual environment rather than in a playground. In my test app you click the menu name in the menubar to drop down the menu and it is added to the responder chain and works as expected without having to click in the menu first to get the events flowing.
// There is no reason you need to be hooking events either with carbon events or the newer format.  If you're in the responder chain of and implement the necessary, method then you'll get the key events you're looking for.

import AppKit

class CustomMenuView: NSView {

    override var acceptsFirstResponder: Bool {
        return true

    override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {

        // Drawing code here.

    override func keyDown(with event: NSEvent) {
        print("key down with character: \(String(describing: event.characters)) " )

func installCustomMenuItem() -> NSMenu {
//  let menuBarItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Test", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
    let resultMenu = NSMenu(title: "TestMenu" )
    let subMenuBarItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Custom View", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")

    subMenuBarItem.view = CustomMenuView(frame: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 40, height: 44))
//  menuBarItem.submenu = menu

    return resultMenu

var menu = installCustomMenuItem()

menu.popUp(positioning: nil, at: NSPoint(x:600,y:400), in: nil)

答案 1 :(得分:0)



class Menu: NSMenu {
  func selectNext() {
    var indexToHighlight = 1
    if let item = highlightedItem {
      indexToHighlight = index(of: item) + 1

    if let itemToHighlight = self.item(at: indexToHighlight) {
      let highlightItemSelector = NSSelectorFromString("highlightItem:")
      perform(highlightItemSelector, with: itemToHighlight)

      if itemToHighlight.isSeparatorItem || !itemToHighlight.isEnabled || itemToHighlight.isHidden {

这样,当我收到带有向下箭头键的向下键事件时-我可以调用函数和return true来防止事件到达默认的NSMenu处理程序。同样,可以使用向上箭头键。


class Menu: NSMenu {
  func select() {
    if let item = highlightedItem {
      performActionForItem(at: index(of: item))
