
时间:2018-11-12 19:53:15

标签: python signal-processing fft wav frequency-analysis


简单地说,读取文件--- FFT ---改变幅度---播放它。


import scipy.io.wavfile
import sounfile as sf
data , rate = sf.read("bird_chirp.wav")
FFt_data =np.fft.rfft(data)
magnitude = np.abs(FFt_data)
phase = np.angle(FFt_data)
N= len(data) # Define the length of the wav file
timestamp = np.linspace(0.0, N*T, N)
T= 1.0/rate
n = data.size

#get the corresponding Frequencies
freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(n, d=1./rate)

# save it as a Dataframe
df = {"freq":freq, "mag":magnitude}
df =pd.DataFrame(df)

#Normalize the magnitude
norm_a = a/a.max(axis=0)
df["mag"] = norm_a

# here I would play around with magnitude , make it high or low
#code to change magnitude

#Get back the new data to write in wav
for magnitudes ,frequencies in df.iterrows():
   y+= magnitudes["mag"]*(np.sin(frequencies["freq"] *2.0*np.pi*timestamp)) 

#save it 
sf.write(file="test.wav", data=y,samplerate=rate)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


为了演示您可以用简单的方式处理信号, 我们衰减了1 kHz的幅度,添加了440 Hz的连续音调,并添加了880的高斯形脉冲。




import scipy.io.wavfile
import soundfile as sf

import numpy as np

# Input the wave file
data , rate = sf.read("bird_chirp.wav")

# Fourier transform
FFT_data = np.fft.rfft(data)

# Get the list of frequencies
freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(data), d=1./rate)

# Find the bin closest to 1kHz and attenuate
idx = (np.abs(freq - 1.E3)).argmin()
FFT_data[idx] *= 1./2

# Find the bin closest to 440 Hz and set a continuous tone
idx = (np.abs(freq - 440)).argmin()
FFT_data[idx] = max( abs( FFT_data) )

# Add a Gaussian pulse, width in frequency is inverse of its duration
FFT_data += max( abs( FFT_data) )/2. * np.exp( -((freq-880)/5.)**2 )

# Convert back to time domain
newdata = np.fft.irfft(FFT_data)

# And save it to a new wave file
sf.write(file="test.wav", data=newdata, samplerate=rate)