如何设置通过Microsoft Dynamics Web服务添加的库存调整的原因代码?

时间:2018-11-12 15:50:44

标签: microsoft-dynamics gp

我正在使用Microsoft Dynamics Web服务创建新的调整。它工作正常,但我需要添加原因码。我已经找到了如何添加所有内容(文件编号,日期,批次,仓库,物料编号,数量)的方法,但是找不到设置原因代码的任何方法。外面有人知道怎么做吗?

这就是我要添加的内容: enter image description here



            // Populate the required properties of the inventory line adjustment object
            inventoryAdjustmentLine.Key = inventoryLineKey;
            inventoryAdjustmentLine.ItemKey = itemKey;
            inventoryAdjustmentLine.Quantity = itemQuantity;
            inventoryAdjustmentLine.WarehouseKey = warehouseKey;

            // Create an array to hold the inventory line adjustment object
            InventoryAdjustmentLine[] lines = {inventoryAdjustmentLine};

            // Add the array of inventory adjustment lines to the inventory adjustment object
            inventoryAdjustment.Lines = lines;

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