
时间:2018-11-07 16:46:46

标签: android json parsing gson retrofit


"response": {
    "2018-11-19": [
            "date_end": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "10:30",
                "iso": "2018-11-19T10:30:00",
                "day": "19"
            "date_start": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "08:00",
                "iso": "2018-11-19T08:00:00",
                "day": "19"
            "id": "20181119080000001018"
            "date_end": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "10:30",
                "iso": "2018-11-19T10:30:00",
                "day": "19"
            "date_start": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "09:30",
                "iso": "2018-11-19T09:30:00",
                "day": "19"
            "id": "20181119093000001018"
            "date_end": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "10:30",
                "iso": "2018-11-19T10:30:00",
                "day": "19"
            "date_start": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "10:00",
                "iso": "2018-11-19T10:00:00",
                "day": "19"
            "id": "20181119100000001018"
            "date_end": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "10:30",
                "iso": "2018-11-19T10:30:00",
                "day": "19"
            "date_start": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "10:30",
                "iso": "2018-11-19T10:30:00",
                "day": "19"
            "id": "20181119103000001018"
    "2018-11-16": [
            "date_end": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "11:15",
                "iso": "2018-11-16T11:15:00",
                "day": "16"
            "date_start": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "10:00",
                "iso": "2018-11-16T10:00:00",
                "day": "16"
            "id": "20181116100000001018"
            "date_end": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "11:15",
                "iso": "2018-11-16T11:15:00",
                "day": "16"
            "date_start": {
                "year": "2018",
                "day_verbose": "Sun",
                "month": "11",
                "month_verbose": "Nov",
                "time": "11:15",
                "iso": "2018-11-16T11:15:00",
                "day": "16"
            "id": "20181116111500001018"
"success": true,
"error": {}

可能存在许多类似“ 2018-11-19”的对象的主要困难。他们的名字事先是未知的。 我可以解析“成功”字段和“错误”对象,但使用“响应”对象时遇到麻烦。我收到带有空Response对象的“ OK” HTTP代码。我认为映射有问题。 这是我的映射类:

public class AppointmentListApiResponse extends ApiResponse {

private Response response;
private Boolean success;
private Error error;

// getters and setters

public class Response {

    // I've tried these versions

    //private Map<String, AppointmentInfo> appoints;
    //private Map<String, List<AppointmentInfo>> appoints;
    //private List<List<AppointmentInfo>> appoints;

    // but they don't work for me

    // getters and setters


public class AppointmentInfo {
private Date dateStart;

private Date dateEnd;

private String id;

// getters and setters

public class Date {
    private String day;

    private String dayVerbose;

    private String dateTime;

    private String month;

    private String monthVerbose;

    private String time;

    private String year;

    // getters and setters

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


public class APIResponse{

public Response response;
public Boolean success;
public Error error;


public class Response {

public List<com.example._20181119> _20181119 = null;
public List<com.example._20181116> _20181116 = null;


public class DateEnd {

public String year;
public String dayVerbose;
public String month;
public String monthVerbose;
public String time;
public String iso;
public String day;


public class DateEnd_ {

public String year;
public String dayVerbose;
public String month;
public String monthVerbose;
public String time;
public String iso;
public String day;


public class DateStart {

public String year;
public String dayVerbose;
public String month;
public String monthVerbose;
public String time;
public String iso;
public String day;


public class DateStart_ {

public String year;
public String dayVerbose;
public String month;
public String monthVerbose;
public String time;
public String iso;
public String day;


public class Error {


public class _20181116 {

public DateEnd_ dateEnd;
public DateStart_ dateStart;
public String id;


public class _20181119 {

public DateEnd dateEnd;
public DateStart dateStart;
public String id;


答案 1 :(得分:0)


"date_end": { "year": "2018", "day_verbose": "Sun", "month": "11", "month_verbose": "Nov", "time": "10:30", "iso": "2018-11-19T10:30:00", "day": "19" }


public class Date_End {
public String year;
public String dayVerbose;
public String month;
public String monthVerbose;
public String time;
// and similarly other fields


public class DateStartEndWrapper {
public Date_End dateEnd;
public Date_Start dateStart;

对于外部动态键(例如“ 2018-11-19”),应将响应视为Map并使用-解析它

Gson gson = new Gson();
Type mapType = new TypeToken<Map<String,DateStartEndWrapper>() {}.getType();
gson.fromJson() // pass the value of response key in here.

答案 2 :(得分:0)


public class AppointmentListApiResponse extends ApiResponse {

     private Map<String, List<AppointmentInfo>> response;
     private Boolean success;
     private Error error;
