Code Items
123 eq-hk
456 ca-eu; tp-lbe
789 ca-us
321 go-ch
654 ca-au; go-au
987 go-jp
147 co-ml; go-ml
258 ca-us
369 ca-us; ca-my
741 ca-us
852 ca-eu
963 ca-ml; co-ml; go-ml
Code eq ca go co tp
123 hk
456 eu lbe
789 us
321 ch
654 au au
987 jp
147 ml ml
258 us
369 us,my
741 us
852 eu
963 ml ml ml
答案 0 :(得分:6)
0 ca co eq go tp
123 hk
147 ml ml
258 us
321 ch
369 usmy
456 eu lbe
654 au au
741 us
789 us
852 eu
963 ml ml ml
987 jp
# using str split to get unnest the column,
#then we do stack, and str split again , then set the first column to index
# after unstack we yield the result
答案 1 :(得分:3)
列表推导对于这样的字符串问题(需要多个拆分级别)工作得更好(阅读: 更快)。
df2 = pd.DataFrame([
dict(y.split('-') for y in x.split('; '))
for x in df.Items]).fillna('')
df2.insert(0, 'Code', df.Code)
Code ca co eq go tp
0 123 hk
1 456 eu lbe
2 789 us
3 321 ch
4 654 au au
5 987 jp
6 147 ml ml
7 258 us # Should be "us,my"... see below.
8 369 my
9 741 us
10 852 eu
11 963 ml ml ml
from itertools import chain
v = [x.split('; ') for x in df.Items]
X = pd.Series(df.Code.values.repeat([len(x) for x in v]))
Y = pd.DataFrame([x.split('-') for x in chain.from_iterable(v)])
df2 = pd.concat([X, Y], axis=1, ignore_index=True)
(df2.set_index([0, 1, 3])[2]
.agg(lambda x: ','.join(x).strip(','))
1 ca co eq go tp
123 hk
147 ml ml
258 us
321 ch
369 us,my
456 eu lbe
654 au au
741 us
789 us
852 eu
963 ml ml ml
987 jp
答案 2 :(得分:2)
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([
('123', 'eq-hk'),
('456', 'ca-eu; tp-lbe'),
('789', 'ca-us'),
('321', 'go-ch'),
('654', 'ca-au; go-au'),
('987', 'go-jp'),
('147', 'co-ml; go-ml'),
('258', 'ca-us'),
('369', 'ca-us; ca-my'),
('741', 'ca-us'),
('852', 'ca-eu'),
('963', 'ca-ml; co-ml; go-ml')],
columns=['Code', 'Items'])
# Get item type list from each row, sum (concatenate) the lists and convert
# to a set to remove duplicates
item_types = set(df['Items'].str.findall('(\w+)-').sum())
# {'ca', 'co', 'eq', 'go', 'tp'}
# Generate a column for each item type
df1 = pd.DataFrame(df['Code'])
for t in item_types:
df1[t] = df['Items'].str.findall('%s-(\w+)' % t).apply(lambda x: ''.join(x))
# Code ca tp eq co go
#0 123 hk
#1 456 eu lbe
#2 789 us
#3 321 ch
#4 654 au au
#5 987 jp
#6 147 ml ml
#7 258 us
#8 369 usmy
#9 741 us
#10 852 eu
#11 963 ml ml ml