我同时使用了Quanteda和stm软件包。第一个帮助我 预处理数据,然后使用第二个程序包进行主题建模。
Error in if (!is.null(texts) && length(texts) != nrow(theta)) stop("Number of
provided texts and number of documents modeled do not match") :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
我认为这是因为我删除了原始文本中的空行 使用以下命令
text <- rs[complete.cases(data), ]
,并使用sparsity = 0.99,这还会删除一些较少使用的单词。
因此原始文本和新文本不匹配。 但是,我不知道在dfm之后如何访问新的文本文件。 功能?
在可复制的示例(不是我自己的数据)中,如果我们假设文本中缺少值, 可以帮助我在dfm函数之后获取文本。
data <- corpus(gadarian, text_field = 'open.ended.response')
docvars(data)$text <- texts(data)
data <- dfm(data, stem = TRUE, remove = stopwords('english'),
remove_punct = TRUE) %>% dfm_trim(min_count = 2)
out <- convert(data, to = 'stm')
gadarian_3 <- stm(documents = out$documents,
vocab = out$vocab,
data = out$meta,
prevalence = ~ treatment + s(pid_rep),
K = 10, verbose = FALSE)
outputFit <- gadarian_3$runout[[1]]
thoughts1<-findThoughts(gadarian_3, texts=textdata , n=10, topics=1)$docs[[1]]
答案 0 :(得分:1)
# List of 3
# $ documents:List of 341
# ..$ 1 : int [1:2, 1:11] 72 1 73 1 108 1 216 2 223 1 ...
# ..$ 2 : int [1:2, 1:7] 57 1 101 1 190 1 223 1 229 1 ...
# ..$ 3 : int [1:2, 1:16] 144 1 148 1 150 1 156 1 183 1 ...
# ..$ 4 : int [1:2, 1:27] 26 1 60 1 69 1 105 2 150 3 ...
# .. [list output truncated]
# $ vocab : chr [1:482] "#1" "1" "2" "3" ...
# $ meta :'data.frame': 341 obs. of 4 variables:
# ..$ MetaID : num [1:341] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
# ..$ treatment: num [1:341] 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 ...
# ..$ pid_rep : num [1:341] 1 1 0.333 0.5 0.667 ...
# ..$ text : chr [1:341] "problems caused by the influx of ..." [TRUNCATED]
thoughts1 <- findThoughts(gadarian_3, texts = out$meta$text,
n = 10, topics = 1)$docs[[1]]
# [1] "as an arizona resident who lives 18 miles from the mexican-us border, and who has also spoken to some of these illegals while hiking in the huachuca mtns., i know these people, mostly, come here out of sheer desperation. sure, some are the same lazy, fat, undereducated jerks that lurk around our own mid-level businesses. but most simply are people who want what we all do: a comfortable life with as little thinking and suffering as possible, while reproducing at will. they have told me, babies in arms,that if they remain at home, they have no future but an early death. that they, maybe, should reduce their birth rate and/or not have children at all, if they cannot support them, simply will never occur to citizens of a catholic country, living a day's walk from a rich country that can be easily milked for what they consider a fortune in life support. there is no answer to this, so long as 95% of mexico's wealth is controlled by 5% of its people, and the only riches the others have lie in their children."
# [2] "people moving from one place to another, mostly for a better economic future."
# [3] "the construction of the fence along the border. the deaths of people smuggled into the us in unventilated trucks. people starving or freezing to death in the desert"
# [4] "i think of, first off, where i grew up. southern california is full of immigrants from much of south & central america."
# [5] "we need to protect our borders more. not enough agents covering too much distance."
# [6] "need better border build a wall like china did"