在Word VBA中打开Excel文件后如何使Microsoft Word可见

时间:2018-10-30 21:34:02

标签: vba ms-word

我有一个VBA Word宏,它可以打开Word文档,然后打开Excel文件,选择单元格引用,最后使用Msgbox显示一条消息。打开Excel文件后,我很难找到使Word可见的代码,以便用户可以查看Msgbox消息,而不必使用任务栏从Excel切换到Word。我尝试了oWord.Visible = True,但是VBA给了我一个错误。 任何提示表示赞赏。


Sub Module_Test()
Dim oExcel As Object
Dim oWord_Doc as object
Dim wb_open as workbook
Set oExcel = New Excel.Application
str_Excel_Filename = "C:\Test\Excel_Template.xlsx"
Documents.Open ("C:\Test\Doc_to_process.docx")
Set oWord_Doc = activedocument
oExcel.Visible = True
oExcel.ScreenUpdating = True
oExcel.Workbooks.Open str_Excel_Filename
Set wb_open = activeworkbook
' At this point Excel is visible.  But the Msgbox statement below is not visible except when one switches to Word using the task bar.  What statement do I put here to make Word visible?
Msgbox "Here is a message that should be visible when viewing the window containing the Doc_to_process.docx"
End Sub

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Option Explicit

Sub Module_Test()

Const MY_WB_PATH                As String = "C:\Test\Excel_Template.xlsx"
Const MY_DOC_PATH               As String = "C:\Test\Doc_to_process.docx"

Dim my_xl_app                   As Excel.Application
Dim my_doc                      As Word.Document
Dim my_wb                       As Excel.Workbook

    Set my_xl_app = New Excel.Application

    With my_xl_app
        .Visible = True
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        Set my_wb = .Workbooks.Open(MY_WB_PATH)

    End With


    ' At this point Excel is visible.  But the Msgbox statement
    ' below is not visible except when one switches to Word using
    ' the task bar.  What statement do I put here to make Word visible?
    Set my_doc = Documents.Open(MY_DOC_PATH)
    ' If required
    my_doc.Application.Visible = True

    MsgBox "Here is a message that should be visible when viewing the window containing the Doc_to_process.docx"
End Sub


  1. 在VBA IDE中,确保每个模块均以“显式选项”开头

  2. 在VBA IDE中,确保选中了Tools.Option.Code Settings中的所有复选框