我在Ubuntu 16.04系统上使用TensorFlow 1.10。当我尝试将per_process_gpu_memory_fraction
F:tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:91] Checked failed narrow == wide (-1990967296 vs 2304000000) checked narrowing failed; values not equal post-conversion Aborted (core dumped)
// Converts (via narrowing) a type T value to a type U, and checks that the
// value has no value change due to the conversion.
template <typename WideT, typename NarrowT>
NarrowT CheckedNarrowing(const WideT& wide) {
NarrowT narrow = wide;
CHECK_EQ(narrow, wide)
<< "checked narrowing failed; values not equal post-conversion";
return narrow;