
时间:2018-10-29 00:34:09

标签: python python-3.x math


我的参数保存一个源的能量,并且可以具有从0.1 nJ一直到10 J的值。出于应用目的,我希望参数步长为:

  • [0.1 nJ-1.0 µJ]中的0.1 nJ
  • 0.1 µJ in [1.0 µJ-1.0 mJ]
  • [1.0 mJ-1.0 J]中的0.1 mJ
  • [1.0 J-10.0 J]中的0.1 J

我正在尝试通过使用整数除法(x => y和余数(//)来转换这些值(%),但是遇到问题时遇到了问题例如,从一个子范围跨越到另一个子范围。

x = 9999给出y = 999.9 nJ,但是x = 10000给出y = 0.0 µJ,因此在系统中为0,远低于999.9 nJ。下一步(x = 10001)得到y = 0.1 µJ,也低于999.9 nJ。

理想情况下,y的步长应为999.9 nJ-1.0 µJ-1.1 µJ。

此MWE使用key detection来读取键的输入,而不必按Enter。

import math as m
import sys, termios, tty, os, time

prefixes =   {-18:'a', -15:'f', -12:'p', -9:'n',    # Prefixes for displaying the value
        -6:'\u03bc', -3:'m', #-2:'c', -1:'d',
        +0:'', #+1:'da', +2:'h', 
        +3:'k', +6:'M', +9:'G', +12:'T', +15:'P', +18:'E'}

def getch():                    # Get character from keyboard without waiting for enter
    fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
    old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
        ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
        termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
    return ch

def calcy():                        # Convert from x integer to y value for display
    print("x: " + repr(x))
    exp2 = 3*((x/resolution) // 1e+3) + exp0    # integer division
    yp2 = round((x/resolution)%(1e+3), digits)  # remainder
    y2 = round(yp2 * m.pow(10, exp2), int(digits-exp2))
    print("y: " + repr(y2) + "   equal to " + repr(yp2) + str(prefixes[exp2]) + "J\n")

button_delay = 0.1

y = float(input("Give starting value:"))    # Choose a value to start from

exp0 = -9                                     # Exponent of minimum range [nJ]
digits = 1                                  # Number of decimals to be used
resolution = m.pow(10, 1)                   # The number of points for a change of size 1

exp = 0                                     # Exponent of y
yp = y                                      # Short number of y
while yp < 1/resolution:                    # While the number is not in the prefixed unit
    yp = yp*1e+03                           # Multiply yp by 1000 (10³)
    exp -= 3                                # Exponent increases by 3

yp = round(y * m.pow(10, -exp), digits)     # The display value 
x = int((yp + (exp - exp0)/3 * 1e+3) * resolution)   # Integer value representing the silder value

calcy()                                     # Calculate y from x integer

while True:
    char = getch()            # Get pressed key

    if char == 'q':           # If it was q, quit
    elif char == '+':         # If it was +, increase x by one and
        x += 1                # recalculate y
    elif char == '-':        # If it was -, decrease x by one and 
        x -= 1               # recalculate y

如果您想尝试该程序,建议您以500e-9作为起始值,并按6次-以达到y = 999.9 nJ,因为这是问题所在。

我知道使用我使用的算法将x = 10001转换为0.1 µJ是合乎逻辑的,但我不知道如何解决。如果您只能使用+-按钮更改值,则可以直接从9999转到10011,这在逻辑上将y = 1.1 µJ,但是我将如何处理实际可以用鼠标拖动滑块吗?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在每个半开间隔中都有9999个值,而在上一个关闭间隔中有90个值,因为(例如)10000(0.1nJ)= 1 µJ。这使转换变得容易:

def val(x):   # 0<=x<30,087
  return (x+1)*1000**(r-3)/10


答案 1 :(得分:0)

由于@ Davis-Herring的评论和建议,我想我已经解决了。现在可以针对不同的分辨率(步长)和起始指数(exp0)调整该功能。

def calcy(x):
    if x < (1000*resolution - 1):        # The number of values from the start to the first prefix change
        exp = exp0
        yp = round((x + 1)/resolution, digits) # Round to account for numerical discrepancies
        n = round((1000 - 1) * resolution) # The number of values in all other ranges
        z = round(x - (1000 * resolution - 1)) # Subtract the number of values in the first range
        r = z // n + 1          # The number of passed ranges
        yp = round((z % n)/resolution + 1, digits)
        exp = exp0 + 3 * r
    return yp * 10**exp

resolution = 10digits = 1中,第一范围内的每一步为0.1 nJ,然后为0.1 µJ,0.1mJ ......