
时间:2018-10-27 14:17:50

标签: ruby ruby-on-rails-4 ruby-on-rails-5



it "the message correctly increments for multiple items" do

user = User.create!(name: "Test Person", address: "123 lane", city: "Denver", state: "CO", zip: "80205", email: "test@test.com", password: "12345", password_confirmation: "12345")
item = Item.create!(name:"Item_1", thumbnail:"whatever", price: 1, inventory: 1, description:"This is item 1", enabled: true, user_id: user.id)

visit items_path

click_button "Add Item"

expect(page).to have_content("You now have 1 copy of #{item.name} in your cart.")

click_button "Add Item"

expect(page).to have_content("You now have 2 copies of #{item.name} in your cart.")



class CartsController < ApplicationController 
include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
def create 
    @item = Item.find(params[:item_id])
    session[:cart] ||= Hash.new(0)
    session[:cart][@item.id] ||= 0
    session[:cart][@item.id] = session[:cart][@item.id] += 1
    quantity = session[:cart][@item.id]
    flash[:notice] = "You now have #{pluralize(quantity, "copy")} of #{@item.name} in your cart."
    redirect_to items_path



1) When a user adds songs to their cart the message correctly increments
for multiple songs
     Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content("You now have 2 copies of
#{item.name} in your cart.")
       expected to find text "You now have 2 copies of Item_1 in your cart.
" in "You now have 1 copy of Item_1 in your cart.\nRegister or Log In\nYou
now have 1 copy of Item_1 in your cart.\nItem_1\nwhatever"
     # ./spec/features/user_can_add_items_to_their_cart_spec.rb:29:in `bloc
k (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 1.32 seconds (files took 2.07 seconds to load)
45 examples, 1 failure

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