public static void main( String[] args ) {
// GenRules contains three arrays, one with the lexemes, another with their
// corresponding tokens, and another with their priorities. They are separate
// arrays but are related by index.
int length = GenRules.length();
// Generates an array of token objects containing all three attributes.
Token[] tok = new Token[ length ];
for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
tok[i] = Token.makeToken( GenRules.rules[i],
GenRules.priorities[i] );
System.out.println( "i = " + i + ", "
+ Token.getRule(tok[i]) + ", "
+ Token.getToken(tok[i]) + ", "
+ String.valueOf( Token.getPriority( tok[i] ) ) );
System.out.println( "\n" );
int i = 0;
for( Token t : tok ) {
t = tok[i];
System.out.println( "i = " + i + " "
+ t.getRule(t) + " "
+ t.getToken(t) + " "
+ t.getPriority(t) );
i = 0, /\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+/, COMMENT, -1
i = 1, d+, NUMBER, 60
i = 2, int, TYPE_INT, 60
i = 3, char, TYPE_CHAR, 5
i = 4, main, MAIN, -1
i = 21, (, LP, 40
i = 22, ), RP, 40
i = 23, ==, EQUALVALUE, 20
i = 24, =, EQUALSIGN, 30
i = 0 = EQUALSIGN 30
i = 1 = EQUALSIGN 30
i = 02 = EQUALSIGN 30
i = 22 = EQUALSIGN 30
i = 23 = EQUALSIGN 30
i = 24 = EQUALSIGN 30
package src;
* @author
* <p>
* This class defines all of the lexing rules and tokens and has some helper functions to
* figure out how many rules currently exist. The arrays and values can be accessed statically, ie, no
* need to initialize a GenRules object. If the priority of a lexeme is 'None' it will return a '-1'.
* </p>
public class GenRules {
* Regex comparison to a given token.
public static String[] rules = { // 25 rules
"/\\*([^*]|[\\r\\n]|(\\*+([^*/]|[\\r\\n])))*\\*+/" ,
"d+" ,"int","char","main" ,"return",
"else","if" ,"for" ,"[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,31}","{" ,
"}" ,";" ,"<=" ,"<" ,">=" ,
">" ,"+" ,"-" ,"*" ,"/" ,
"(" ,")" ,"==" ,"="
* Token issued to token at corresponding index.
public static String[] tokens = { // 25 tokens
* Priority issued to a corresponding token.
public static int[] priorities = { // 25 priorities
-1,60,60, 5,-1,
5 ,10,10,10, 8,
9 ,10,70,20,20,
* Prints how may tokens are currently defined. If there is a mismatch in how
* many tokens there are in comparison to priorities or rules it will return '0'.
public static int length() {
if( priorities.length == tokens.length && tokens.length == rules.length )
return rules.length;
else return 0;
* Returns all of the rules components in array form.
public static String[] returnRules() {
return rules;
* Returns all of the token components in array form.
public static String[] returnTokens() {
return tokens;
* Returns all of the priorities in array form.
public static int[] returnPriorities() {
return priorities;
* Prints the rule followed by token, followed by priority. Isn't formatted very well.
public static String printRules( ) {
String out = "";
for( int i = 0; i < priorities.length; i++ ) {
out += rules[i] + " " + tokens[i] + " " + String.valueOf( priorities[i] ) + "\n";
return out;
package src;
* @author
*This class takes the rules, tokens, and priorities described in the GenRules
*class and encapsulates them in a single object. A token can be thought of like
*a struct which contains one rule, one token, and one priority level.
public class Token {
private static String rule;
private static String token;
private static int priority;
public Token() {
// Empty like my heart.
* Constructor; applies values to the class attributes.
* @param s1 rule
* @param s2 token
* @param i priority
public Token( String s1, String s2, int i ) {
rule = s1;
token = s2;
priority = i;
* Takes in arguments to construct a token and generates one
* using the constructor. Once generated it is returned to
* wherever it was called from.
* @param s1
* @param s2
* @param i
* @return Returns a formed token object.
public static Token makeToken( String s1, String s2, int i ) {
Token t = new Token( s1, s2, i );
return t;
* Returns the rule from a Token.
* @param t
* @return
public static String getRule( Token t ) {
return t.rule.toString();
* Returns the 'token' from a Token.
* @param t
* @return
public static String getToken( Token t ) {
return t.token.toString();
* Returns the priority value from a Token.
* @param t
* @return
public static String getPriority( Token t ) {
return String.valueOf( t.priority );
* Will print out the rule, token, and priority values given
* an array of tokens.
* @param t
public static void printTokens( Token[] ti ) {
for( Token t : ti ) {
System.out.print( t.getRule( t ) + " " );
System.out.print( t.getToken( t ) + " " );
System.out.print( t.getPriority( t ) + "\n" );