在为自己的Spring应用程序创建自己的Webhook侦听器时遇到了一些困难 当有来自bitbucket的更新时,我想自动进行git pull并重新运行spring应用程序。但是当我从侦听器中拉出时会出错。
当我在提示中手动使用git.pull()代码时,效果很好 screencapture_prompt
但是当我运行脚本git.pull()时,无法使用“致命的:不是git存储库” screencapture_script
这是python脚本的代码 我的git版本是1.8.3.1
"""Listener module."""
from sys import platform as _platform
from os import environ
import subprocess
import git
from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
# check for ngrok subdomain
# ngrok = environ.get("NGROK_SUBDOMAIN", "")
git_dir = "/root/data/lxper/src/main/resources"
spring_dir = "/root/data/lxper"
def display_intro():
"""Helper method to display introduction message."""
message = "Webhook server online! Go to http://localhost:5001"
print message
def display_html(request):
Helper method to display message in HTML format.
:param request: HTTP request from flask
:type request: werkzeug.local.LocalProxy
:returns message in HTML format
:rtype basestring
url_root = request.url_root
return "".join([
"""Webhook server online! """,
"""Go to <a href="https://bitbucket.com">Bitbucket</a>""",
""" to configure your repository webhook for """,
"""<a href="%s/webhook">%s/webhook</a>""" % (url_root, url_root)
@app.route("/", methods=["GET"])
def index():
"""Endpoint for the root of the Flask app."""
return display_html(request)
@app.route("/webhook", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def tracking():
"""Endpoint for receiving webhook from bitbucket."""
if request.method == "POST":
data = request.get_json()
commit_author = data["actor"]["username"]
commit_hash = data["push"]["changes"][0]["new"]["target"]["hash"][:7]
commit_url = data["push"]["changes"][0]["new"]["target"]["links"]
commit_url = commit_url["html"]["href"]
print "Webhook received! %s committed %s" % (commit_author, commit_hash)
g = git.cmd.Git(git_dir)
subprocess.call(["".join(spring_dir, "/restart.sh")])
return "OK"
return display_html(request)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port=5001, debug=True, use_reloader=False)